Thursday, August 31, 2017
Quote of the Day: 31 August 2017
“Government actions often provide substantial benefits to a few while imposing small costs on many.” -Milton Friedman
[Following along on the heels of Tuesday's quote, this explains why government action to address inequality often exacerbates the problem (or creates an entirely new one) rather than alleviating it.]
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Forest Grove Police Log excerpt, 30 August 2017
This is one entry from the most recent Forest Grove Police Log.
August 25* A woman called police after a man she went on a blind date with a man who boasted about having an outstanding warrant. He did not.
I can't conceive of a situation where bragging about an outstanding arrest warrant on yourself could be construed as a good thing. What goes on in the lives of these people that they think this is a good idea?
Quote of the Day: 30 August 2017
“[A]ge and wisdom don't necessarily go together, I've always found. Some people just become stupid with more authority.” -Lu-Tze, Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Quote of the Day: 29 August 2017
Monday, August 28, 2017
Quote of the Day: 28 August 2017
“[T]he actual boundaries of human equilibrium are very narrow, and it is not really necessary to use a rack or hot coals to drive the average human being out of his mind.” -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Quote of the Day: 27 August 2017
“When the words of the prophets seem repetitive, that should rivet our attention and fill our hearts with gratitude to live in such a blessed time.” -Henry B. Eyring
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Quote of the Day: 26 August 2017
“Is there a more satisfying sound than the clicking of gundog's paws across a hardwood floor? A fuller way to enjoy their all-too-brief lives with us?” -Kyle Wintersteen
[Happy Dog Day! I love my two pups, and look forward to the years of enrichment they will bring to the lives of my family members.]
Friday, August 25, 2017
Quote of the Day: 25 August 2017
“If mankind were to resolve to agree in no institution of government, until every part of it had been adjusted to the most exact standard of perfection, society would soon become a general scene of anarchy, and the world a desert.” -Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist No. 65
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Quote of the Day: 24 August 2017
“Ever since I was in school, it has continually amazed me that teachers, parents, and employers think of being ‘smart’ as a bad thing.” -Scott Meyer
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Forest Grove Police Log Excerpt, 23 August 2017
This weeks entry in the goings on of a small city's police department as chronicled in the log of activity.
August 14* A man reported that a burrito ordered from a fast food restaurant had a crushed sauce cup wrapped into its contents and that he was feeling ill as a result. He further asked police to take up the matter because the restaurant, if unabated, might repeat the offense and sicken others. Officers suggested he contact restaurant management as poorly constructed burritos are not a criminal matter.If you get a bad burrito and your first instinct is to contact the police, perhaps you should reconsider your method of conflict resolution.
Quote of the Day: 23 August 2017
“The express authority of the people alone, could give due validity to the constitution.” -James Madison, The Federalist No. 43
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Quote of the Day: 22 August 2017
“Be kind. Not everything needs to die.” -A Friend
[No link to a source today, since it was a talk that was not recorded.]
Monday, August 21, 2017
Quote of the Day: 21 August 2017
“Maxim 14: ‘Mad Science’ means never stopping to ask ‘What's the worst thing that could happen?’” -Howard Tayler
[This is the most appropriate quote I have for the day. I should probably read more commentary on science and science fiction to fill that hole.]
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Quote of the Day: 20 August 2017
“True worship leads to an unwavering determination to walk the path of discipleship. And that leads inevitably to charity. These too are necessary elements of worship” -Dean M. Davies
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Quote of the Day: 19 August 2017
“As with many other Americans, I am, at heart, a frontiersman—a somewhat overweight and flabby frontiersman, but a frontiersman nevertheless.” -Patrick F. McManus
Friday, August 18, 2017
Quote of the Day: 18 August 2017
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.” -H. L. Mencken
[Hat tip: Dad Dog, who suggested this months ago.]
Thursday, August 17, 2017
A Jew discusses his friend, Nazis, and Love
I encourage you to go read this article. J. Kb is a jew, who holds no truck with racism. He discusses the experience of his friend as he edges towards Nazi sympathizer, and how we could turn the heat down on this pressure cooker of a political situation we are currently faced with.
The language is stronger than I would use in places, but the piece is worth reading regardless. Please do.
The language is stronger than I would use in places, but the piece is worth reading regardless. Please do.
Quote of the Day: 17 August 2017
“Humans grow by testing their thought against other humans. Prevent them from doing this and they remain eternal infants.” -Sarah Hoyt
[Another apropos selection made prior to this weekend.]
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Forest Grove Police Log excerpt, 16 August 2017
This is an excerpt from the log of local police activity for this week.
August 6* An officer stopped a driver for failure to wear a seat belt, unknowingly doing so in front of the driver's home. Multiple friends and family members offered some colorful suggestions to the officer, who was not-dissuaded and cited the driver anyway.It has been my experience in this city that the residents are friendly and outgoing, but I haven't interacted with them as one citing their family member or friend for violations of the law. I would hope that the residents of Forest Grove are generally more friendly than this.
August 9* An officer was flagged down by a citizen who wanted to simply say hello and point out that the officer's tan was not as good as it was last year.And this is the type of thing that doesn't surprise me living here. In fact, I've met people locally that have done similar things to me.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Quote of the Day: 15 August 2017
“I really wish people would stop deciding what is good or bad based on how their opponents react to it.” -neontaster
[This was selected for today prior to the events of this past weekend, and it is even more timely now.]
Monday, August 14, 2017
Quote of the Day: 14 August 2017
“No, friends, I don't cherish that flag because I think everything in my country is perfect. It's not. No way. But since when do our wives or husbands, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, have to be perfect? For us to love, honor, and respect them?” -Brad Torgersen
[It is OK to love something despite its flaws. Especially something so important as your nation.]
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Quote of the Day: 13 August 2017
“There is need for a vast amount of discipline in marriage, not of one’s companion, but of one’s self.” -Gordon B. Hinckley
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Quote of the Day: 12 August 2017
“While many on the right say ‘What lefty revolution?, We have all the guns.’, they forget the Left has far less compunction or hesitation about actually using weapons to implement their goals.” -Aaron of The Shekel
Friday, August 11, 2017
Quote of the Day: 11 August 2017
“[I]t is a mistake to concentrate on the debt as such instead of concentrating on why the debt was created, which is by excessive government spending.” -Milton Friedman
[Addressing symptoms without considering the cause will fail to produce the desired results.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Quote of the Day: 10 August 2017
“Over a wide field of our economy it is still the better course to rely on the nineteenth century's ‘hidden hand’ than to thrust clumsy bureaucratic fingers into its sensitive mechanism[.]” -John James Cowperthwaite as Quoted in this essay
[Due to the law of unintended consequences, the less we attempt to direct the economy, the less we will divert it from good and productive activities.]
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Forest Grove Police Log excerpt, 9 August 2017
Here is the excerpt from the log of local police activity. Just a little insight into what goes on in a small city.
Several incidents included this week, and there were a few more that could have been used in a leaner week.
It is good to know that there is no evidence of Satan worship at the library. All my interactions there have been pleasant and professional, without even a hint of deference to the Prince of Evil.
It is also interesting that at least one fellow resident believes out of state pizza purchase is worthy of a call to the police.
Finally, I'm interested in this citizen experiencing large mood swings in his interactions with the police. What could have prompted either the initial contact, or the subsequent change of heart?
July 31* A citizen reported that an unknown person from Alabama used his credit card to purchase pizza.* A man called and yelled at a dispatcher refusing to answer questions about the issue he was calling about. The man later yelled at officers and called back to report to dispatch that he was a better cop and had a higher IQ than the officers he spoke to. In a conversation later in the evening, the man calmed down and thanked police for treating him with respect and offering good advice.
August 2
* A woman contacted police to report that library staff members were worshiping Satan. Officers found no explicit evidence of occult activity occurring at the library.
Several incidents included this week, and there were a few more that could have been used in a leaner week.
It is good to know that there is no evidence of Satan worship at the library. All my interactions there have been pleasant and professional, without even a hint of deference to the Prince of Evil.
It is also interesting that at least one fellow resident believes out of state pizza purchase is worthy of a call to the police.
Finally, I'm interested in this citizen experiencing large mood swings in his interactions with the police. What could have prompted either the initial contact, or the subsequent change of heart?
Quote of the Day: 9 August 2017
“Through a cloud of sweet-smelling smoke Nanny reflected that Agnes read books. All the witches who'd lived in her cottage were bookish types. They thought you could see life through books but you couldn't, the reason being that the words got in the way.” -Terry Pratchett
[Happy Book Lovers Day! Just remember that while books can help you see truths about life, they don't reflect life as it truly is.]
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Quote of the Day: 8 August 2017
“We live under the fairest government on earth. But it is not self-sustaining.” -Calvin Coolidge
[There is always more to do to ensure the continuation of our republic.]
Monday, August 7, 2017
Quote of the Day: 7 August 2017
“One of the most common reported freezes is the victim trying to figure out why. Processing the experience is something you can do later, when you are safe. In the moment of assault, moving is required, not understanding.” -Rory Miller
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Quote of the Day: 6 August 2017
“Families are not just meant to make things run more smoothly here on earth and to be cast off when we get to heaven. Rather, they are the order of heaven.” -Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Quote of the Day: 5 August 2017
"Let us consult experience, the guide that ought always to be followed whenever it can be found." -James Madison, The Federalist No. 52
Friday, August 4, 2017
Quote of the Day: 4 August 2017
"I’ve rarely met a dog that didn’t love to hunt, sniff, search, run, chase and fetch. Our jobs are to direct them into the best ways for doing these things that increase their successes—and ours—in the field." -Ron Spomer
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Quote of the Day: 3 August 2017
"A war in which subjectively-defined 'hate speech' is the sword and cannon will end in one way — tyranny. Whichever side comes out on top doesn't matter, because in such a war, we will all have lost." -Frank Camp
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Forest Grove Police Log excerpt, 2 August 2017
This week's excerpt from the log of local police activity.
I'm glad there is little enough going on in my little burg that an item like this can warrant some attention from the police. I'm also glad that the police react to these situations as professionally as they do. It could turn out a lot worse.July 28* Police checked on a woman seen lying near a busy road. The woman said she was fine and just resting after a fun day at the river. Officers suggested that perhaps a nap near the road wasn't the safest idea.
Quote of the Day: 2 August 2017
"Currency is a fungible abstraction of power. A weapon is a nonfungible, concrete projection of power." -Howard Tayler
[And they're good for different uses. The proper application of currency is vastly different than the proper application of a weapon.]
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Quote of the Day: 1 August 2017
“How could you communicate with the future? It was of its nature impossible. Either the future would resemble the present, in which case it would not listen to him, or it would be different from it, and his predicament would be meaningless.” -George Orwell