Monday, April 30, 2018

Quote of the Day: 30 April 2018

“The feminists say ‘we should just teach men not to rape.’ Yeah. I’m pretty sure we do. Guess what? It still happens. Why? Evil exists in this world.” -J. Kb

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Quote of the Day: 29 April 2018

“[I]f you are struggling to find the strength to forgive, don’t think of what others have done to you, but think of what the Savior has done for you, and you will find peace in the redemptive blessings of His Atonement.” -Massimo De Feo

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Quote of the Day: 28 April 2018

“Of what use is a gun unfed?” -Mahbub Ali, Kim

Friday, April 27, 2018

Quote of the Day: 27 April 2018

“Stories are just stories. Life is complicated enough as it is. We have to plan for the real world.” -The Mayor, The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Pup's got a favorite

My son, The Pup, is a little over a year and a half old. So, I often ask him if he can say things. Today the thing was "I love you." He said "uh uh." Well, perhaps he'll say something else then. I asked him if he could say "I love Mommy." Which he promptly repeated.

Yeah, I think he's got a favorite.

Quote of the Day: 26 April 2018

“If I ever am in a position to publicly berate someone, I hope I have the wherewithal to do it while wearing a smoking jacket and an ascot.” -Scott Meyer

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Forest Grove Police Log excerpt, 25 April 2018

The selection for this week from the log of local police activity is about an individual with a vivd imagination.

April 16A woman reported that several boys had gotten into her house and were simply wandering around the residence, but further advised it may have been her imagination. Officers found no boys, or evidence of them having been there.
That is a very vivid imagination indeed. But, if you are aware that it may be your imagination, wouldn't you do something to verify the presence of the boys before calling the police? I know I would.

You can check out previous entries in this series, and I would recommend last week's entry as a starting point.

Quote of the Day: 25 April 2018

“In a world of defecit budgets, out-of-control public sector spending and debt, and pie-in-the-sky promises that government will give you just about everything, government is an inflation factory.” -Lawrence W. Reed

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Quote of the Day: 24 April 2018

“There should be a note along with ‘Everything worth doing is worth doing well’ that says ‘everything worth doing will be hard and have setbacks.‘” -Sarah Hoyt

Monday, April 23, 2018

Quote of the Day: 23 April 2018

“That’s the good part of dying; when you’ve nothing to lose, you run any risk you want.” -Guy Montag, Fahrenheit 451

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Quote of the Day: 22 April 2018

“As parents, we introduce our children to Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. We help our children say their first prayer. We offer guidance and support as they enter the covenant path through baptism. We teach them to obey God’s commandments.… We never stop being their teachers.” -Devin G. Durrant

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Quote of the Day: 21 April 2018

“The chicks in the horse troughs at the farm store were very fluffy and cute, but I know what they grow into – miniature dinosaurs.” -daddybear71

Friday, April 20, 2018

Quote of the Day: 20 April 2018

“Improvising isn’t a plan. It’s what we do when we’ve failed to plan.” -Kathy Jackson

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Quote of the Day: 19 April 2018

“A pacifist armed with a Ma Deuce is less of a danger than a thug with a pointy stick.” -Robb Allen

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Forest Grove Police Log excerpt, 18 April 2018

There's plenty in this week's log of local police activity, including the selection of a call about animal behavior.

April 8Police received a report that several ducks were in a parking lot possibly headed toward a busy road.
Can you imagine the scenario that prompted this call? I imagine it was a harried parent giving in to the request of a child to do something on behalf of the poor ducks, who just might get into a dangerous situation.

See the preceding week's entry at the foregoing link.

Quote of the Day: 18 April 2018

“Let’s keep encouraging others to join our wonderful hobby, let’s keep talking to each other, and let’s keep teaching each other—after all, that’s the tried-and-true ham way.” -Barry J. Shelley, N1VXY (pdf)

[Happy International Amateur Radio Day!]

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Quote of the Day: 17 April 2018

“The school system does a lot of pinch-hitting for parents who absolutely refuse to engage in anything that resembles actual parenting.” -Matt Walsh

Monday, April 16, 2018

Quote of the Day: 16 April 2018

"Is it not the glory of the people of America, that whilst they have paid a decent regard to the opinions of former times and other nations, they have not suffered a blind veneration for antiquity, for custom, or for names, to over-rule the suggestions of their own good sense, the knowledge of their own situations, and the lessons of their own experience?" -James Madison, The Federalist No. 14

[Happy Patriots' Day]

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Quote of the Day: 15 April 2018

“I invite all of us to forgive completely and let healing occur from within. And even if forgiveness doesn’t come today, know that as we desire it and work for it, it will come[.]” -Larry J. Echo Hawk

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Friday, April 13, 2018

Quote of the Day: 13 April 2018

“Cobbler does not aspire to the structural fussiness of pie. It’s down and dirty, primordial, and ever-so-slightly naughty.” -Alton Brown

[Happy Peach Cobbler Day!]

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Quote of the Day: 12 April 2018

“Equality before the law is probably forever inattainable. It is a noble ideal, but it can never be realized, for what men value in this world is not rights but privileges.” -H. L. Mencken

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Forest Grove Police Log excerpt, 11 April 2018

There are a lot of traffic related incidents reported in the log of local police activity this week, but I have selected an account of potentially ghastly interference with communication devices.

March 30Officers responded to a house from which an open 911 call had been placed. Police found the house dark and empty on arrival. The call was presumably caused by issues with the telephone line. (Or, of course, ghosts.)
I am unsure what my assumption would be had I been summoned to check on a 911 call and discovered what was reported here. Though, I am fairly certain that suggesting supernatural explanations would only be made in jest. I doubt very much whether they would make it into an official report. I am grateful for an officer that decided to leave that facetious conclusion in place. (And I am sure that it is made to suggest that something more mundane, but unproven has taken place.)

See the entry from last week at the preceding link.

Quote of the Day: 11 April 2018

“‘If it saves one life’ is a monumentally stupid argument for any kind of public policy.” -Alex F. Baldwin

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Quote of the Day: 10 April 2018

“Natural rights aren't subject to a giant temper tantrum.” -Nathan Wurtzel

Monday, April 9, 2018

Quote of the Day: 9 April 2018

“Anyone saying ‘I support free speech but…’ doesn't support free speech at all” -Perry de Havilland

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Quote of the Day: 8 April 2018

“I learned that even if we are exceptional managers of our time, callings, and assignments—even if we check all the boxes on our list of the 'perfect' individual, family, or leader—if we fail to worship our merciful Deliverer, heavenly King, and glorious God, we are missing much of the joy and peace of the gospel.” -Dean M. Davies

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Quote of the Day: 7 April 2018

“Hey! Camping = Tactical Waiting” -@Flahutin

[Somewhat out of context (which you can correct by following the link) but still amusing nevertheless.]

Friday, April 6, 2018

Quote of the Day: 6 April 2018

“[T]here is an epistemological confusion when one applies moral standards meant for individual humans to whole nations.” -Sarah Hoyt

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Quote of the Day: 5 April 2018

“Don’t trust anyone that wants you disarmed. If you have no intent to harm innocent people then only reason they could have to disarm you is because they wish to do something to you that you wouldn’t allow if you were armed.” -Joe Huffman

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Forest Grove Police Log excerpt, 4 April 2018

This week's selection from the log of local police activity is about an undesirable job.

March 23* A caller reported an RV rolling down a major road dumping sewage. Police were unable to locate the vehicle or any evidence of spilled waste.
I certainly would not want to be the officer assigned to investigate this call. Though it is better than the entry from some years ago when an officer was responsible for inspecting bushes for evidence of defecation. Can you imagine? You would have to be quite dedicated to your job to continue in it after getting that assignment.

See the previous entry of this feature at the preceding link.

Quote of the Day: 4 April 2018

“What a tragedy it is to grow older but neglect to grow up.” -Chris Brown

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Quote of the Day: 3 April 2018

“If masculinity were truly toxic, then kids growing up without dads would presumably be better off than those who have them. But, they're not[.]” -Allie Beth Stuckey

Monday, April 2, 2018

Quote of the Day: 2 April 2018

“The best murder weapon would be a tupperwear lid because nobody would ever find it[.]” -@psybermonkey

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Quote of the Day: 1 April 2018

“For the Atonement of the Lord and His gift of resurrection—for this sublime message of Easter—thanks be to God!” -Russell M. Nelson

[Happy Easter.

I tend to ignore April Fools Day, as I have except for this note this year.]