Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Quote of the Day: 31 July 2018

“In America, you have no right to attack someone over their ideology.” -J. Kb
[I don't think it's actually limited to America, but it is more respected in America than most other places. Though decreasingly so.]

Monday, July 30, 2018

Quote of the Day: 30 July 2018

“It is foolish to suppose that the problems of young women are unrelated to the problems of young men.” -@PatriarchTree

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Quote of the Day: 29 July 2018

“As we work in unity, our purpose should be to look for and do the Lord’s will; our incentive should be the love we feel for God and for our neighbor; and our greatest desire should be to ‘labor diligently,’ so we can prepare the way for the glorious return of our Savior.” -Reyna I. Aburto

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Quote of the Day: 28 July 2018

“Both sides call each other idiots, stupid, etc. This remains somewhat inaccurate, as neither side has a monopoly on stupidity or idiots – and there are some people on both sides capable of brilliance – which is particularly obvious where what they’re being brilliant about has little to do with their politics.” -Dave Freer

Friday, July 27, 2018

Quote of the Day: 27 July 2018

“Greed for power is no less dangerous than greed for money, and has historically shed far more blood in the process.” -Thomas Sowell

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Forest Grove Police Log excerpt, 26 July 2018

This week's selection from the log of local police activity brings us a tale of an amusing interaction with a suspicious individual.
July 14Police received a report that a suspicious man was wandering around yelling incoherently, possibly carrying a gun. Officers found the man unarmed but upset about a variety of issues. He was advised to quiet down and move along, which he did, but not before playing a song on his harmonica for the officer's enjoyment.
I hope that If I ever have the cops called on me, that I have a musical instrument on my person, and that I'm able to entertain the police as this individual did.

Quote of the Day: 26 July 2018

“[T]he clueless shall always be with us, but the republic can’t survive its being as near universal as it is.” -Sarah Hoyt

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Quote of the Day: 25 July 2018

“Family is the first and most important team[.]” -Marilee Beebe

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Quote of the Day: 24 July 2018

“[P]eople literally cannot just make jokes anymore without getting political.” -Robb Allen
[I enjoy humor, and I like to laugh. But it is increasingly difficult to find nonpolitical humor, and even harder to find political humor that doesn't just boil down to "look how dumb that guy is."]

Monday, July 23, 2018

Quote of the Day: 23 July 2018

“I think men who lust for power are capable of almost anything.” -Bernard
[I think of this as a warning, rather than as a statement about the capabilities of those seeking power in general.]

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Quote of the Day: 22 July 2018

“We need the Holy Spirit as our guide in calm waters so His voice will be unmistakable to us in the fiercest storm.” -Larry Y. Wilson

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Quote of the Day: 21 July 2018

“If there's a subject the Left can be consistent about, I haven't found it yet.” -Eric Spencer

Friday, July 20, 2018

Quote of the Day: 20 July 2018

“Jumping to conclusions is a safer sport in the world of our imagination than it is in reality.” -Daniel Kahneman

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Quote of the Day: 19 July 2018

“Socialism is the Axe Body Spray of political ideologies: It never does what it claims to do, but people too young to know better keep buying it anyway.” -Glenn Reynolds

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Forest Grove Police Log excerpt, 18 July 2018

This week's selection from the log of local police activity brings us a tale of roommate disagreement.
Monday, July 9
• Police responded to a residence where two roommates were embroiled in a heated argument over the intentional misplacement of an umbrella, a confrontation that escalated into a report of theft. The alleged umbrella thief admitted to taking the item and throwing it outside the location and was cited for criminal mischief; the other roommate was advised to leave the location. The umbrella in question was seized as evidence.
I don't know why you'd get into a disagreement about an umbrella to the point of needing to get the police involved, but it clearly went to far.

Quote of the Day: 18 July 2018

“[T]here's hardly anything you can't make worse by getting the government involved…” -Tamara Keel
[I have nothing to add.]

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Quote of the Day: 17 July 2018

“The pen might not be mightier than the sword, but maybe the printing press was heavier than the siege weapon.” -Terry Pratchett
[Mr. Pratchett certainly can express things well.]

Monday, July 16, 2018

Quote of the Day: 16 July 2018

“You have a right to be free, no matter what any document says. Your rights are intrinsic to your humanity.” -Austin Petersen
[This view is so rarely articulated. Even those who believe it often revert to the language of documents granting rights rather than those rights being inherent in humanity.]

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Quote of the Day: 15 July 2018

“[W]hen we are casual shepherds of our own soul and others’ souls, casualties are likely. Casualness leads to casualties.” -Taniela B. Wakolo

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Quote of the Day: 14 July 2018

“The second we become too afraid to be different is the same moment that the Left achieves its goal of ideological uniformity.” -Camille Castro

Friday, July 13, 2018

Quote of the Day: 13 July 2018

“When the solution to a given problem doesn’t lay right before our eyes, it is easy to assume that no solution exists. But history has shown again and again that such assumptions are wrong.” -Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner
[So, look for a solution outside of the ideas that immediately spring to mind. You might surprise the world.]

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Forest Grove Police Log excerpt, 12 July 2018

Here's this week's excerpt from the log of local police activity.
Saturday, June 30
• A caller reported finding a human hand, likely from an infant, in a grassy area in a neighborhood. Officers located the rubber hand of a doll tangled in dried weeds.
I wonder how lifelike a doll hand has to be in order for it to be mistaken for a severed human hand.

Quote of the Day: 12 July 2018

“We cannot continuously have the fullest production without full employment. But we can very easily have full employment without full production.” -Henry Hazlitt
[It seems that this should be apparent, but the emphasis on full employment over maximizing production indicates that it is not. This is largely down to it being easier to measure employment than it is to measure production against its maximal value.]

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Quote of the Day: 11 July 2018

“[M]y spelling is Wobbly. It’s good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places.” -Winnie the Pooh
[English will do that to a fellow.]

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Quote of the Day: 10 July 2018

“[M]ob violence does not discriminate between the guilty and the innocent.” -Peter Grant
[So, be prepared and keep your head on a swivel.]

Monday, July 9, 2018

Quote of the Day: 9 July 2018

“I’m proud of taking an unpopular, principled position that gets me shunned by partisan zealots. It’s not about me. I couldn’t care less about being shunned by such people. It’s about their unwillingness to engage in dialogue.” -Alan Dershowitz

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Quote of the Day: 8 July 2018

“Regardless of the time the Lord, in His wisdom, determines to grant each of us, of one thing we can be sure: we all have a ‘today’ to live, and the key to making our day successful is to be willing to sacrifice.” -Taylor G. Godoy

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Quote of the Day: 7 July 2018

“This man beside us also has a hard fight with an unfavouring world, with strong temptations, with doubts and fears, with wounds of the past which have skinned over, but which smart when they are touched. It is a fact, however surprising. And when this occurs to us we are moved to deal kindly with him, to bid him be of good cheer, to let him understand that we are also fighting a battle; we are bound not to irritate him, nor press hardly upon him nor help his lower self.” -John Watson

Friday, July 6, 2018

Quote of the Day: 6 July 2018

“Despite what is often said, you cannot ‘give’ anyone an education. The most you can do is make an education available for them to work at acquiring.” -Thomas Sowell
[Try as I might, I cannot cause someone to understand something against their will.]

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Quote of the Day: 5 July 2018

“Is it a sign of old age when you find an old scar and can’t remember where you got it?” -daddybear71
[I don't think so. I have so many scars that I have been unable to identify the origins of since I was quite a bit younger than I am now. But, whatever works.]

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Quote of the Day: 4 July 2018

“[T]here was a new tone in those Massachusetts guns. It was not the old lust of conquest, not the sullen roar of hatred and revenge, but a higher, clearer note of a people asserting their inalienable sovereignty.” -Calvin Coolidge
[Happy Independence Day!]

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Quote of the Day: 3 July 2018

“The thirst for liberty does not seem to be natural to man. Most people want security in this world, not liberty. Liberty put them on their own, and so exposes them to the natural consequences of their congenital stupidity and incompetence. Historically, it has always been forced upon the masses from above. Whenever they have formulated demands of their own, it has been demands for privileges, not for liberty.” -H. L. Mencken

Monday, July 2, 2018

Quote of the Day: 2 July 2018

“How ready are you for when violence shows up unexpectedly? Remember it doesn’t call ahead, you’re not really going to get a warning until it happens.” -Barron of the Minuteman Blog
[You are either prepared or not. Your denial of this reality does not change the reality of the situation.]

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Quote of the Day: 1 July 2018

“[L]ife can be filled with faith, joy, happiness, hope, and love when we exercise the smallest amount of real faith in Christ—even a mustard seed of faith.” -M. Russell Ballard