Monday, November 30, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 335

 Down to a month left after today. 

I packed The pup up into the stroller, and headed out this afternoon. The babydoll was napping, and my wife got to keep her company.

Today's image:

Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 148mm, f/4.5, 1/90 s, and ISO 160
Oak leaves are some of the few that are left on the trees, and even some of those have already shed all their leaves.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 55mm, f/4.0, 1/340 s, and ISO 160
Though sometimes you can still find maple leaves on the tree.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/9 s, and ISO 160
I really am astonished at how well I'm able to handhold this lens at full extension, and for relatively long shutter speeds. The OIS must be pretty good. It wasn't really a very rainy day, but these maple branches still have water drops on them.

Quote of the Day: 30 November 2020 #QotD

“Do not hold back in life just to comfort or placate those around you. Holding back is not humility; it’s lying.” -Brenden Burchard
“Do not hold back in life just to comfort or placate those around you. Holding back is not humility; it’s lying.” -Brenden Burchard
[Interesting that this is also in line with the scriptural injunction to let your light shine.]

Sunday, November 29, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 334

 My wife and I took The pup on a walk this afternoon. He was a pill, but eventually settled down to a low level of complaining.

Today's image:

Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 90mm, f/3.9, 1/40 s, and ISO 160
I liked the mix of colors these provided.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/140 s, and ISO 160
I still don't know what these are, but they are interesting. There's only the one spot where I know they grow.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/38 s, and ISO 160
The utility trailer behind these doesn't make for the best of backgrounds, but it doesn't detract too much.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/800 s, and ISO 160
Some of the maples have held on to a majority of their leaves until now.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 333

 I headed on a walk despite the overcast skies giving me low levels of light.

Today's image:

Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 172mm, f/4.7, 1/17 s, and ISO 250
I like the story this picture tells with the contrast between evergreen and deciduous tree patterns. I also like the play of yellow against green.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/9 s, and ISO 800
Here's the crotch of a tree that has caught several of its own fallen leaves. Low light meant that I had to put the ISO at a higher level.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/25 s, and ISO 160
There was enough available light for this shot at native ISO.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 164mm, f/4.6, 1/18 s, and ISO 250
The play of the red against the green just wasn't as strong as the yellow and green were. A different shade or intensity of red might have pulled me in that direction, but not this muted tone.

Quote of the Day: 28 November 2020 #QotD

 “It’s my worst trouble, getting fond. If I didn’t get fond I could be happy all the time.” -The Happy Medium, _A Wrinkle in Time_
“It’s my worst trouble, getting fond. If I didn’t get fond I could be happy all the time.” -The Happy Medium, A Wrinkle in Time

[I don't think this is true. I think you'd never truly know happiness without some fondness. The trouble with that is that the fondness leads to sadness when the relationship ends. And it will. At least in this life, whether by death or other means, it will end.]

Friday, November 27, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 332

 While the wife and kids were off to a store or two this afternoon, I was able to go for a walk on my own. And we had sunny weather for a change.

Today's image:

Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/100 s, and ISO 160
I don't know what these berries are. But I do like how they stand out against the background of the setting.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/85 s, and ISO 160
This little flower grows in the bed next to my neighbor's pond. I don't know what it is, but it is usually obscured by shadow, or occluding objects that prevent a decent composition.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/480 s, and ISO 160
The colors you get from leaves when they are illuminated from behind are stunning, and thoroughly different from the colors on the reverse side.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 181mm, f/4.7, 1/500 s, and ISO 160
These rhododendron flowers are blooming at the wrong time of year. I will be interested to see if this bush blooms again in the spring.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 116mm, f/4.2, 1/850 s, and ISO 160
These rosemary flowers are small, delicate, and easily overlooked.

Quote of the Day: 27 November 2020 #QotD

“I exist as I am, that is enough[.]” -Walt Whitman
“I exist as I am, that is enough[.]” -Walt Whitman

[It is enough to be acknowledged. It is enough to be accepted. It is enough to be loved. But it may not be enough for happiness. You may have to stretch yourself beyond who you currently are to find happiness.]

Thursday, November 26, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 331

 I was busy with dinner preparations from as soon as I got up this morning, until we ate around three. Then I was headed out the door for a walk to take a picture, when The pup insisted upon coming with me. I really wish I hadn't taken him, though. He changed the path of my walk, and ate up some of my time with decent light while he used the swings at the park.

Today's image:

Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 55mm, f/4.0, 1/38 s, and ISO 160
This seems most appropriate for today.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 55mm, f/4.0, 1/56 s, ISO 320
This is the first of two pictures requested by The pup. I don't know why he thought this would be a good picture to take though.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 55mm, f/4.0, 1/52 s, and ISO 160
This is the second of the pictures requested by The pup.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/15 s, and ISO 1250
And these last of the snap dragons are inspiring to persevere through difficult situations.

Quote of the Day: 26 November 2020 #QotD

“Gratitude requires awareness and effort, not only to feel it but to express it.” -Bonnie D. Parkin
“Gratitude requires awareness and effort, not only to feel it but to express it.” -Bonnie D. Parkin

[Happy Thanksgiving! I truly hope you are able to find joy in the expression of gratitude, even if your day may not be how you would have preferred it to be.]

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 330

 I was able to bundle the kids up into the stroller to go for a walk today. There was a slight misting of rain as we started out, but that quickly dissipated.

Today's image:

Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/56 s, and ISO 320
Here's my first wildlife shot in a while. The long lens helps me put the subject in more of the frame while maintaining a distance that doesn't disturb it too much.

Quote of the Day: 25 November 2020 #QotD

“Making it illegal to pay less than a given amount does not make a worker’s productivity worth that amount—and, if it is not, that worker is unlikely to be employed.” -Thomas Sowell
“Making it illegal to pay less than a given amount does not make a worker’s productivity worth that amount—and, if it is not, that worker is unlikely to be employed.” -Thomas Sowell

[Economic reality will interfere with your good intentions. There is no escape from the reality of scarcity, and value.]

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 329

 I kept waiting for the rain to lighten up so I could go for a walk, but it never happened. Instead, I got quite wet as I walked about a half mile to go look for something to take a picture of.

Today's image:

Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 181mm, f/4.7, 1/52 s, and ISO 800
These cherry leaves had interesting coloration to them.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 86mm, f/3.9, 1/20 s, and ISO 160
I liked how the rain on these leaves looked.

Quote of the Day: 24 November 2020 #QotD

“Nothing is worse for a person than getting everything they want[.]” -@MattsIdeaShop
“Nothing is worse for a person than getting everything they want[.]” -@MattsIdeaShop
[I don't have anything to add to this. I just firmly believe it to be so.]

Monday, November 23, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 328

 I did not get to go on a walk today. But I made bread.

Today's image:

Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 86mm, f/3.9, 1/15 s, and ISO 160
Just a quick capture, with available light.

Quote of the Day: 23 November 2020 #QotD

“We should all be confused more in public. No one has all the answers. It's ok to be confounded when reality pops our vision of what should be happening.” -@politicalmath
“We should all be confused more in public. No one has all the answers. It's ok to be confounded when reality pops our vision of what should be happening.” -@politicalmath
[I believe this is related to the quote I posted on Saturday. Because we don't like judgment, we are unwilling to express our confusion in public. But we would be better off for it.]

Sunday, November 22, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 327

 I had planned to go on a trip to see family today. However, the prevalence of Wuhan Virus cases caused us to change our plans. With members of my wife's family having contact with infected individuals, and one member having had the disease, and the explosive growth in cases where my family lives, we did not feel comfortable traveling at this time.

So, instead I walked around my neighborhood looking for things to photograph.

Today's image:

Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/10 s, and ISO 160
This is the first time I have noticed flowers on this bush since last February. I love the way the rain water has collected on its petals, and the lovely color contrast.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/18 s, and ISO 160
This little azalea is blooming out of season. I don't know why, but I captured it.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/25 s, and ISO 160
This daisy is pretty, and I like the way it stands out from the green behind it. This is another out of season flower.

Quote of the Day: 22 November 2020 #QotD

 “Truly, there is no other way to heal the wounds of broken relationships or of a fractured society than for each of us to more fully emulate the Prince of Peace.” -Scott D. Whiting
“Truly, there is no other way to heal the wounds of broken relationships or of a fractured society than for each of us to more fully emulate the Prince of Peace.” -Scott D. Whiting

Saturday, November 21, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 326

 I was preparing for a trip that ended up being cancelled at the last moment, today. The weather was foggy, and the light was pretty bad. But, I got out there and made some images today.

Today's image:

Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/56 s, and ISO 1600
I love the colors in these leaves.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/45 s, and ISO 1600
These leaves weren't quite as vibrant, but the tinges of green still left at the veins was interesting.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/18 s, and ISO 1600 (cropped)
This leaf was supper vibrant.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/4.8, 1/17 s, and ISO 1600
 And this leaf's yellow spot was intriguing to me.

Quote of the Day: 21 November 2020 #QotD

“It doesn’t feel good to fail or to be judged publicly, so we tend to avoid situations where that might happen.” -James Clear
“It doesn’t feel good to fail or to be judged publicly, so we tend to avoid situations where that might happen.” -James Clear
[Human nature is interesting. It is predictable in so many ways, and utterly irrational in others.]

Friday, November 20, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 325

I may have been able to get a good picture outside today (it didn't rain for the first time in days, maybe weeks.) But the kids kept me from being able to go for a walk.

Today's image:

Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/11, 1/250 s, and ISO 160
This is blue aragonite (it was labeled. Hah!). I did do a small bit of processing to make the blue appear as vibrant in the image as it does in person.

Quote of the Day: 20 November 2020 #QotD

“Of course, if you’re the kind of person whose friends habitually feed uncooked garbage to pigs, it’s time to get new friends.” -Mike Chase
“Of course, if you’re the kind of person whose friends habitually feed uncooked garbage to pigs, it’s time to get new friends.” -Mike Chase
[I concur. Get yourself some non garbage feeding friends.]

Thursday, November 19, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 324

 There wasn't a chance to go for a walk today, but I did step out onto the deck at sunset. I missed the peak by a bit, but it was still nice.

Today's image:

Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 95mm, f/11, 1/125 s, and ISO 160
I missed the most vibrant reds and pinks, but you can see a bit of them here.

Quote of the Day: 19 November 2020 #QotD

“Tiffany’s father didn’t cry but gave her a silver dollar and rather gruffly told her to be sure to write home every week, which is a man’s way of crying.” -Terry Pratchett
“Tiffany’s father didn’t cry but gave her a silver dollar and rather gruffly told her to be sure to write home every week, which is a man’s way of crying.” -Terry Pratchett

[Happy Men's Day!]

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 323

 Another day of rainy, miserable weather.

Today's image:

Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 134mm, f/11, 1/250, ISO 160

I think this is a slice of an agate. I just don't know the names of my wife's minerals all that well. I am really liking how the character of the wooden easel is coming through in this image.

Quote of the Day: 18 November 2020 #QotD

“In this world, you get what you ask for; you just have to ask correctly.” -Chris Voss
“In this world, you get what you ask for; you just have to ask correctly.” -Chris Voss
[Now, if only I could figure out how to ask.]

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 322

 Today, there were some opportunities to go take a picture, had I not been responsible for two little children, one of which was supposed to be doing a reading lesson (which he finally completed at 8:15 tonight.)

Today's image:

Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/11, 1/250 s, and ISO 160
I don't know what mineral this is. But it's pretty.

Quote of the Day: 17 November 2020 #QotD

“Your ideals are useless if you won't act to support them.” -Austin Petersen
“Your ideals are useless if you won't act to support them.” -Austin Petersen
[Not only useless, but they are also likely not your ideals.]

Monday, November 16, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 321

 The weather was miserable today, and there was no opportunity to go for a walk.

Today's image:

Fuji X-T3 with XF 55-200 @ 200mm, f/11, 1/250 s, and ISO 160
Here's another mineral sample. According to my wife it is "possibly chalcedony" and that's as definitive of an identification as I'm going to get.