“I think I began learning that those who are happiest are those who do the most for others. This lesson I have tried to carry with me ever since.” -Booker T. Washington
[This jives with the tenets of my religion, and my own experience.]
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Quote of the Day: 30 March 2021 #QotD
“The fundamental argument at work in the gun issue is what the proper distribution of power in society should be. That’s not a simple topic where there are easy answers.” -Sebastian of Shall Not Be Questioned
[I, of course, have my own positions about how that power should be distributed, but anyone telling you the solutions are easy has not given the problems much consideration.]
[I, of course, have my own positions about how that power should be distributed, but anyone telling you the solutions are easy has not given the problems much consideration.]
Monday, March 29, 2021
Quote of the Day: 29 March 2021 #QotD
“If the gov’t takes your 2nd Amendment, one day it’ll take your 1st.” -@XianCorleone
[There is a lot of truth to the idea that the second amendment in the bill of rights is the guardian of the others.]
[There is a lot of truth to the idea that the second amendment in the bill of rights is the guardian of the others.]
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Quote of the Day: 28 March 2021 #QotD
“Closely related to our own obligation to repent is the generosity of letting others do the same—we are to forgive even as we are forgiven.” -Jeffrey R. Holland
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Quote of the Day: 27 March 2021 #QotD
“Government measures that promote personal equality or equality of opportunity enhance liberty; government measures to achieve ‘fair shares for all’ reduce liberty.” -Milton Friedman
[It is my belief that liberty is an essential element for mankind to flourish.]
[It is my belief that liberty is an essential element for mankind to flourish.]
Friday, March 26, 2021
Quote of the Day: 26 March 2021 #QotD
“Ach, people’re always tellin’ us not tae do things. That’s how we ken what’s the most interestin’ things tae do!” -Rob Anybody, Wintersmith
[My son must be a Nac Mac Feegle born in a human body.]
[My son must be a Nac Mac Feegle born in a human body.]
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Quote of the Day: 25 March 2021 #QotD
“Power is worse than heroin, but the overdose kills everybody but the addict.” -Miguel Gonzalez
[It kills the addict too, or rather kills their humanity, leaving them a monstrous creature lacking natural affection.]
[It kills the addict too, or rather kills their humanity, leaving them a monstrous creature lacking natural affection.]
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Quote of the Day: 24 March 2021 #QotD
“‘to become an Artist’ means nothing: whereas to become alive, or one’s self, means everything.” -E. E. Cummings
[There are untold scores of people who put on affectations of being artists that produce no art of any value. And plenty of people who make no profession of being artists who produce works of enduring beauty.]
[There are untold scores of people who put on affectations of being artists that produce no art of any value. And plenty of people who make no profession of being artists who produce works of enduring beauty.]
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Quote of the Day: 23 March 2021 #QotD
“To split or decentralize power is necessarily to reduce the absolute amount of power, and the competitive system is the only system designed to minimize by decentralization the power exercised by man over man.” -F. A. Hayek
[It is now twenty-nine years since the world lost the light of Mr. Hayek. May his wisdom enlighten us for many more years.]
[It is now twenty-nine years since the world lost the light of Mr. Hayek. May his wisdom enlighten us for many more years.]
Monday, March 22, 2021
Quote of the Day: 22 March 2021 #QotD
“Fear is the protection resource of last resort[.]” -Gavin de Becker
[So, put fear in its place, and act of your own volition to bring about favorable ends.]
[So, put fear in its place, and act of your own volition to bring about favorable ends.]
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Quote of the Day: 21 March 2021 #QotD
“The gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us that there is purpose in life. Our being here is not just some big cosmic accident or mistake! We are here for a reason.” -William K. Jackson
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Quote of the Day: 20 March 2021 #QotD
“When I was in first grade, the winter lasted eighteen months. Winters don’t last that long anymore, but they did back then.” -Patrick F. McManus
[This comports with my memory, which I know is fallible and subject to distortion. But it feels true.
[This comports with my memory, which I know is fallible and subject to distortion. But it feels true.
In any case, Happy Equinox.]
Friday, March 19, 2021
Quote of the Day: 19 March 2021 #QotD
“[Y]ou have a spark of the divine in you, which belongs not to you, but to God.” -Jordan Peterson
[I believe this to be true, and because I do, there are implications for the way in which I live my life.]
[I believe this to be true, and because I do, there are implications for the way in which I live my life.]
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Quote of the Day: 18 March 2021 #QotD
“Since no given culture is better in all things, much less for all time, a lack of receptivity to the cultural advances made by others is a self-imposed isolation that can be as damaging as isolation imposed by geography.” -Thomas Sowell
[This is something to keep in mind as we are being pushed to forsake the things of cultures other than the one in which we were raised, and even much of that.]
[This is something to keep in mind as we are being pushed to forsake the things of cultures other than the one in which we were raised, and even much of that.]
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Quote of the Day: 17 March 2021 #QotD
“We should structure our lives to not actively create tragedies.” -@politicalmath
[This is true, but it seems a low bar when we can look to actively do good. And yet there are so many that don't even reach for this level of compassion.]
[This is true, but it seems a low bar when we can look to actively do good. And yet there are so many that don't even reach for this level of compassion.]
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Quote of the Day: 16 March 2021 #QotD
“When we focus on nurturing our children’s love of stories, we get both kids who can read as well as kids who do.” -Sarah Mackenzie
[I have been reading aloud to my children each day for a while now. I hope that this will foster a love of reading for them. But I know it will be good for them even if all of my loftiest aspirations are not reached.]
[I have been reading aloud to my children each day for a while now. I hope that this will foster a love of reading for them. But I know it will be good for them even if all of my loftiest aspirations are not reached.]
Monday, March 15, 2021
Quote of the Day: 15 March 2021 #QotD
“Equity is the process of ensuring that everyone has equal and fair amounts of nothing.” -Noam Blum
[It is the inevitable result of squabbling over a presumed finite pie, rather than looking to increase the pie, or bake a new one.]
[It is the inevitable result of squabbling over a presumed finite pie, rather than looking to increase the pie, or bake a new one.]
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Quote of the Day: 14 March 2021 #QotD
“People who have charity have a love for the Savior, have received of his love, and love others as he does.” -C. Max Caldwell
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Quote of the Day: 13 March 2021 #QotD
“With my fathers and mothers and the accumulations of past ages, With all which, had it not been, I would not now be here, as I am[.]” -Walt Whitman
[Happy Genealogy Day.]
[Happy Genealogy Day.]
Friday, March 12, 2021
Quote of the Day: 12 March 2021 #QotD
“The limitation, therefore, of the power of government over individuals, loses none of its importance when the holders of power are regularly accountable to the community, that is, to the strongest party therein.” -John Stuart Mill
[Here, Mr. Mill reminds us that the limitations on government power are essential even in a democracy, or other form of government with democratic elements.]
[Here, Mr. Mill reminds us that the limitations on government power are essential even in a democracy, or other form of government with democratic elements.]
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Quote of the Day: 11 March 2021 #QotD
“Many people think they lack motivation when what they really lack is clarity.” -James Clear
[If you are confused about what you want, it is hard to know what to pursue.]
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Quote of the Day: 10 March 2021 #QotD
“Turning adversity into a good time is one of life’s highest arts[.]” -Brenden Burchard
[Also, something that will allow you to enjoy far more of life than you otherwise would.]
[Also, something that will allow you to enjoy far more of life than you otherwise would.]
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Quote of the Day: 9 March 2021 #QotD
“[I]t is a hard matter to convert an individual by abusing him, and that this is more often accomplished by giving credit for all the praiseworthy actions performed than by calling attention alone to all the evil done.” -Booker T. Washington
[This notions seems to be out of favor with the wokescolds of today. I hope I don't fall victim to the mentality to berate rather than to love too often myself.]
[This notions seems to be out of favor with the wokescolds of today. I hope I don't fall victim to the mentality to berate rather than to love too often myself.]
Monday, March 8, 2021
Quote of the Day: 8 March 2021 #QotD
“[W]hat is good for our goals may not be good for our souls.” -John Bargh
[I don't think I have much that could be added to this. Only a caution not to let your current goals be so all-consuming that you subordinate your humanity to your need to accomplish them.]
[I don't think I have much that could be added to this. Only a caution not to let your current goals be so all-consuming that you subordinate your humanity to your need to accomplish them.]
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Quote of the Day: 7 March 2021 #QotD
“Regardless of the causes of our worst hurts and heartaches, the ultimate source of relief is the same: Jesus Christ.” -Matthew S. Holland
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Quote of the Day: 6 March 2021 #QotD
“Splitting the difference is wearing one black and one brown shoe, so don’t compromise. Meeting halfway often leads to bad deals for both sides.” -Chris Voss
[This can easily be taken the wrong way. All it means is that you have to push past the simple, but wrong, approach of taking half of each proposal, and calling that a solution.]
Friday, March 5, 2021
Quote of the Day: 5 March 2021 #QotD
“[R]emember that not all children who have a deficit of attention have attention deficit disorder!” -Leonard Sax
[There are myriad reasons why attention may be lacking and, in boys, a common one is developmental readiness.]
[There are myriad reasons why attention may be lacking and, in boys, a common one is developmental readiness.]
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Quote of the Day: 4 March 2021 #QotD
“No man's life, liberty or property are safe when the legislature is in session.” -Gideon Tucker
[And often, after it has adjourned.]
[And often, after it has adjourned.]
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Quote of the Day: 3 March 2021 #QotD
“When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching—they are your family.” -Harry Dresden, Proven Guilty
[There is a lot to be said for 'found family'. Mostly, that they are among your trusted circle of friends by choice rather than chance.]
[There is a lot to be said for 'found family'. Mostly, that they are among your trusted circle of friends by choice rather than chance.]
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Quote of the Day: 2 March 2021 #QotD
“Life is not fair. It is tempting to believe that government can rectify what nature has spawned. But it is also important to recognize how much we benefit from the very unfairness we deplore.” -Milton Friedman
[It might be tempting to misinterpret that last sentence as referring to the false notion of 'white privilege' when the group Mr. Friedman refers to as 'we' is all of society, not an elite or accidently privileged few.]
[It might be tempting to misinterpret that last sentence as referring to the false notion of 'white privilege' when the group Mr. Friedman refers to as 'we' is all of society, not an elite or accidently privileged few.]
Monday, March 1, 2021
Quote of the Day: 1 March 2021 #QotD
“He was extremely good at delegating. But the talent requires people on the other end of the chain to be good at being delegated onto.” -Terry Pratchett
[We often overlook the good fortune successful people have had in the people who surround them. Success can be made or broken based on the quality of the people you happen to have available to perform tasks you aren't able to do yourself. And they are not always up to your choice.]
[We often overlook the good fortune successful people have had in the people who surround them. Success can be made or broken based on the quality of the people you happen to have available to perform tasks you aren't able to do yourself. And they are not always up to your choice.]