Thursday, September 30, 2021
Quote of the Day: 30 September 2021 #QotD
“Real deadlines are an underappreciated tool in performance management.” -Brenden Burchard
[While this is true, there also has to be a realistic approach to the consequences of missing a deadline.]
[While this is true, there also has to be a realistic approach to the consequences of missing a deadline.]
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Quote of the Day: 29 September 2021 #QotD
“As I looked around me, it was obvious that the most plugged in of my friends were consistently the most anxious and insecure.” -Rikki Schlott
[I have certainly seen pathological uses of social media. And it seems to be disproportionately affecting the rising generation.]
[I have certainly seen pathological uses of social media. And it seems to be disproportionately affecting the rising generation.]
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Quote of the Day: 28 September 2021 #QotD
“[E]ach day, we awaken to a miracle: another chance to try again. To ask forgiveness.” -Abigail Shrier
[And so many times it just gets thrown away. Sadly.]
[And so many times it just gets thrown away. Sadly.]
Monday, September 27, 2021
Quote of the Day: 27 September 2021 #QotD
“While you can learn something from everyone, that doesn’t mean you have to listen to everyone until they run out of breath.” -Kate Murphy
[Similar to how free speech does not guarantee you an audience, you are not obligated to listen to everyone who says something to you.]
[Similar to how free speech does not guarantee you an audience, you are not obligated to listen to everyone who says something to you.]
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Quote of the Day: 26 September 2021 #QotD
“Sometimes God manifests His love by chastening us. It is a way of reminding us that He loves us and that He knows who we are.” -Taniela B. Wakolo
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Quote of the Day: 25 September 2021 #QotD
“America is happening more than she has happened.” -E. E. Cummings
[I hope and pray that this is still true, and I fear that it is not. Too many are willing to surrender their vital freedoms for promises of safety that never materialize.]
[I hope and pray that this is still true, and I fear that it is not. Too many are willing to surrender their vital freedoms for promises of safety that never materialize.]
Friday, September 24, 2021
Quote of the Day: 24 September 2021 #QotD
“Behavior that is incongruent with the self will not last.” -James Clear
[So, how do you and I establish identities of self that embody the positive qualities we want to exhibit? A perplexing problem that I am still looking for ways to solve.]
[So, how do you and I establish identities of self that embody the positive qualities we want to exhibit? A perplexing problem that I am still looking for ways to solve.]
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Quote of the Day: 23 September 2021 #QotD
“Literacy obviously opens up wider economic and other prospects denied to those who remain illiterate.” -Thomas Sowell
[The disruptions to education we have experienced in the course of the response to the Wuhan virus pandemic are going to exacerbate economic disparities. And I don't think it's entirely unintentional.]
[The disruptions to education we have experienced in the course of the response to the Wuhan virus pandemic are going to exacerbate economic disparities. And I don't think it's entirely unintentional.]
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Quote of the Day: 22 September 2021 #QotD
“Nothing can enter the public treasury, in favor of one citizen or one class, but what other citizens and other classes have been forced to send to it.” -Frédéric Bastiat
[This is largely true, but it does ignore the taxation of inflation. But Bastiat lived prior to the advent of Modern Monetary Theory. So, I think we can forgive him.]
[This is largely true, but it does ignore the taxation of inflation. But Bastiat lived prior to the advent of Modern Monetary Theory. So, I think we can forgive him.]
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Quote of the Day: 21 September 2021 #QotD
“The nose is a big thinker. It’s good at memory—very good. So good that a smell can take you back in memory so hard that it hurts.” -Terry Pratchett
[It sure does.]
[It sure does.]
Monday, September 20, 2021
Quote of the Day: 20 September 2021 #QotD
“You don’t tug on Superman’s cape
You don’t spit into the wind
You don’t pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
And you don’t mess around with Jim.” -Jim Croce
[We lost Mr. Croce forty-eight years ago today. A loss I wish had not happened until many years later. I love quite a few of his songs. Some which never had single releases. I can't imagine what we lost because we lost him so early in his career.]
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Bonus Quote of the Day: 19 September 2021 #QotD
“Antiquated as it may seem, it’s still a federal crime to board a ship too early, whether you’re planning on sinking your teeth into a sailor’s ear or not.” -Mike Chase
[Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!]
[Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!]
Quote of the Day: 19 September 2021 #QotD
“I promise that if you desire to believe, then act in faith and follow the whisperings of the Spirit, you will find joy in this life and in the world to come.” -S. Mark Palmer
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Quote of the Day: 18 September 2021 #QotD
“She was beautiful, but she was beautiful in the way a forest fire was beautiful: something to be admired from a distance, not up close.” -Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
[Nothing important to say about this one. I just thought it was a funny way of describing a dangerous, but pretty lady.]
[Nothing important to say about this one. I just thought it was a funny way of describing a dangerous, but pretty lady.]
Friday, September 17, 2021
Quote of the Day: 17 September 2021 #QotD
“Memory is not what the heart desires.” -Gimli, The Fellowship of the Ring
[No, not memory, but and idealized version of the memory.]
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Quote of the Day: 16 September 2021 #QotD
“[I]t is pretty difficult to learn not to worry, although I think I am learning more and more each year that all worry simply consumes, and to no purpose, just so much physical and mental strength that might otherwise be given to effective work.” -Booker T. Washington
[A lesson I probably need more application of in my own life. I do give too much of my thought resources over to worry over improbable potentialities.]
[A lesson I probably need more application of in my own life. I do give too much of my thought resources over to worry over improbable potentialities.]
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Quote of the Day: 15 September 2021 #QotD
“A runny nose is a great defense mechanism if you’re a kid brother.” -Patrick F. McManus
[The pup has had a runny nose for the past five days. It's pretty gross. And The babydoll has had one as well for the past two. She's worse, since she's not yet two. You try to get two kids who are five or younger to blow their noses instead of doing ... other things with the discharge. Good luck.]
[The pup has had a runny nose for the past five days. It's pretty gross. And The babydoll has had one as well for the past two. She's worse, since she's not yet two. You try to get two kids who are five or younger to blow their noses instead of doing ... other things with the discharge. Good luck.]
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Quote of the Day: 14 September 2021 #QotD
“In every society, however it is organized, there is always dissatisfaction with the distribution of income. All of us find it hard to understand why we should receive less than others who seem no more deserving—or why we should be receiving more than so many others whose needs seem as great and whose deserts seem no less. The farther fields always look greener—so we blame the existing system. In a command system envy and dissatisfaction are directed at the rulers. In a free market system they are directed at the market.” -Milton Friedman
[Human nature runs so strongly in this direction that it is predictable that dissatisfaction with one's lot will be the reality for a sizable portion of any population. We can individually overcome this through gratitude, but many will not care to go to the effort.]
[Human nature runs so strongly in this direction that it is predictable that dissatisfaction with one's lot will be the reality for a sizable portion of any population. We can individually overcome this through gratitude, but many will not care to go to the effort.]
Monday, September 13, 2021
Quote of the Day: 13 September 2021 #QotD
“If you don’t put intention and set up reminders to generate joy in your life, then you’re not experiencing the full range of life’s zest.” -Brenden Burchard
[If you aren't working to achieve it, joy will elude you. You may experience momentary happiness, fleeting pleasures, or temporary relief, but joy is not something that comes into your life without you inviting it in.]
[If you aren't working to achieve it, joy will elude you. You may experience momentary happiness, fleeting pleasures, or temporary relief, but joy is not something that comes into your life without you inviting it in.]
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Quote of the Day: 12 September 2021 #QotD
“The gift of repentance is an expression of God’s kindness toward His children, and it is a demonstration of His incomparable power to help us overcome the sins we commit.” -Ulisses Soares
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Quote of the Day: 11 September 2021 #QotD
“There is usually little penalty for mistakes if you learn from them.” -Toby Hemenway
[In context, this was about gardening, however, it is also true of most things in life. Sadly, with somethings, there comes a point where the penalty has grown so large that it is very important to avoid additional mistakes. Usually after you have failed to learn from previous mistakes.]
[In context, this was about gardening, however, it is also true of most things in life. Sadly, with somethings, there comes a point where the penalty has grown so large that it is very important to avoid additional mistakes. Usually after you have failed to learn from previous mistakes.]
Friday, September 10, 2021
Quote of the Day: 10 September 2021 #QotD
“The ‘people’ who exercise the power are not always the same people with those over whom it is exercised; and the ‘self-government’ spoken of is not the government of each by himself, but of each by all the rest.” -John Stuart Mill
[Sadly. However, we can work to improve the way things are going.]
[Sadly. However, we can work to improve the way things are going.]
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Quote of the Day: 9 September 2021 #QotD
“[Y]ou shouldn’t enjoy art. You should simply admit that it exists, then move on. Anything else is patronizing.” -Wit, Rhythm of War
[Hmm. Not sure about that. It seems you can enjoy art without becoming pretentious about it. Not that most people do.]
Quote of the Day: 8 September 2021 #QotD
“We cover long distances by taking our time and conduct our mental lives by the law of least effort.” -Daniel Kahneman
[We all do this, and it requires immense effort to go beyond this and work to expand our thinking.]
[We all do this, and it requires immense effort to go beyond this and work to expand our thinking.]
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Quote of the Day: 7 September 2021 #QotD
“WAR, n. A by-product of the arts of peace.” -Ambrose Bierce
[And we're seeing how that plays out now, as incompetent leadership attempts to bring about peace in unilateral withdrawal.]
[And we're seeing how that plays out now, as incompetent leadership attempts to bring about peace in unilateral withdrawal.]
Monday, September 6, 2021
Quote of the Day: 6 September 2021 #QotD
“The Socialists say, since the law organizes justice, why should it not organize labor, instruction, and religion? Why? Because it could not organize labor, instruction, and religion, without disorganizing justice.” -Frédéric Bastiat
[But justice is not their aim. Control is.]
[But justice is not their aim. Control is.]
Sunday, September 5, 2021
Quote of the Day: 5 September 2021 #QotD
“Though difficulties may arise and reverses may come, in our prayers we can find reassurance as the Lord speaks peace to our souls.” -L. Tom Perry
Saturday, September 4, 2021
Quote of the Day: 4 September 2021 #QotD
“[Y]ou only thought the world would be better if it was run by women if you didn’t actually know many women. Or old women, at least.” -Polly Perks, Monstrous Regiment
[Or maybe if you don't think about how women conduct themselves socially.]
[Or maybe if you don't think about how women conduct themselves socially.]
Friday, September 3, 2021
Quote of the Day: 3 September 2021 #QotD
“The financial constraints may be less keenly felt by government officials when it is the taxpayers’ money, rather than their own, that is being spent.” -Thomas Sowell
[I assert that there is no 'may' about it. It is certainly less keenly felt. And sometimes callously so.]
[I assert that there is no 'may' about it. It is certainly less keenly felt. And sometimes callously so.]
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Quote of the Day: 2 September 2021 #QotD
“There are some things that it is better to begin than to refuse, even though the end may be dark.” -Aragorn, The Two Towers
[Mr. Tolkien passed away on this day in 1973. And here he has expressed a sentiment that can encourage us in these times when it is so easy to allow yourself to wallow in disappointment and hopelessness.]
[Mr. Tolkien passed away on this day in 1973. And here he has expressed a sentiment that can encourage us in these times when it is so easy to allow yourself to wallow in disappointment and hopelessness.]
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Quote of the Day: 1 September 2021 #QotD
“I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.” -Booker T. Washington
[Not that you can get many to accept that definition of success these days. But there is nobility in overcoming difficulties even if you don't rise to a high station in life.]
[Not that you can get many to accept that definition of success these days. But there is nobility in overcoming difficulties even if you don't rise to a high station in life.]