Thursday, March 31, 2022

Quote of the Day: 31 March 2022 #QotD

“I don't expect compliments, nor do I require them for validation, but they are nice to get.” -Robb Allen
“I don't expect compliments, nor do I require them for validation, but they are nice to get.” -Robb Allen
[It can be a nice ego boost to get a good compliment. I do apprecieate them.]

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Quote of the Day: 30 March 2022 #QotD

“You know how to pray, don’t you? You just put your hands together—and hope.” -Adora Belle Dearheart, _Going Postal_
“You know how to pray, don’t you? You just put your hands together—and hope.” -Adora Belle Dearheart, Going Postal

[That's close, and a decent place to start. But prayer really goes deeper than that.]

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Quote of the Day: 29 March 2022 #QotD

“What if there is within each person a force that understands at some gut level that all humanity is inextricably interdependent and that to harm any part is to harm the whole?” -Dave Grossman
“What if there is within each person a force that understands at some gut level that all humanity is inextricably interdependent and that to harm any part is to harm the whole?” -Dave Grossman
[I think there is, at least initially, but that people are able to suppress it, or extinguish it through desensitization or other means.]

Monday, March 28, 2022

Quote of the Day: 28 March 2022 #QotD

[For me, my mind simply refuses to turn off. I have to listen to something in order to get my mind off the preceding day's events or the coming days worries.]

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Quote of the Day: 27 March 2022 #QotD

“If we are unable to place our discipleship to Jesus Christ above personal interests and viewpoints, we should reexamine our priorities and change.” -Dale G. Renlund
“If we are unable to place our discipleship to Jesus Christ above personal interests and viewpoints, we should reexamine our priorities and change.” -Dale G. Renlund

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Quote of the Day: 26 March 2022 #QotD

“I’m not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information.” -Calvin, _Calvin and Hobbes_
“I’m not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information.” -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
[I feel this way sometimes.]

Friday, March 25, 2022

Quote of the Day: 25 March 2022 #QotD

“I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend[.]” -Faramir, _The Two Towers_
“I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend[.]” -Faramir, The Two Towers
[Happy Tolkien Reading Day. I've been saving this particular quote for an opportune time, but I haven't yet had a special one. This I guess is as good of a time as any to share this important sentiment.]

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Quote of the Day: 24 March 2022 #QotD

“Everybody has a voice. Activate your sense of personal responsibility. You have agency. Participate. Do not be a bystander as truth, reason, and logic call out for your help.” -Gad Saad
“Everybody has a voice. Activate your sense of personal responsibility. You have agency. Participate. Do not be a bystander as truth, reason, and logic call out for your help.” -Gad Saad
[Please. Please speak up. Silence may not be consent, but it sure comes close to it.]

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Quote of the Day: 23 March 2022 #QotD

“Be the kind of American that is so American that you could possibly be rejected entry into places like China or Russia.” -Austin Petersen
“Be the kind of American that is so American that you could possibly be rejected entry into places like China or Russia.” -Austin Petersen
[Or maybe even definitely. As long as they're going to operate so antithetically to the principles that America is supposed to operate on, I can't see much reason to visit.]

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Quote of the Day: 22 March 2022 #QotD

“I’m dying of boredom. Or maybe just dying.” -Wizard Howl, _Howl’s Moving Castle_
“I’m dying of boredom. Or maybe just dying.” -Wizard Howl, Howl’s Moving Castle
[Since we are living in interesting times, I can only long for a life where dying of boredom could be a possibility. But I'd prefer it to the chance of dying of interesting events.]

Monday, March 21, 2022

Quote of the Day: 21 March 2022 #QotD

“To many people, even today, high profits are often attributed to high prices charged by those motivated by ‘greed.’ In reality, most of the great fortunes in American history have resulted from someone’s figuring out how to reduce costs, so as to be able to charge lower prices and therefore gain a mass market for the product.” -Thomas Sowell
“To many people, even today, high profits are often attributed to high prices charged by those motivated by ‘greed.’ In reality, most of the great fortunes in American history have resulted from someone’s figuring out how to reduce costs, so as to be able to charge lower prices and therefore gain a mass market for the product.” -Thomas Sowell
[Ehh, the facts don't matter to propogandists, nor to their acolytes.]

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Quote of the Day: 20 March 2022 #QotD

“We need an ongoing, daily infusion of heavenly light.” -Dieter F. Uchtdorf
“We need an ongoing, daily infusion of heavenly light.” -Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Quote of the Day: 19 March 2022 #QotD

“The understanding, ‘What I know is different from what you know,’ is essential for effective communication to occur.” -Kenneth Savitsky
“The understanding, ‘What I know is different from what you know,’ is essential for effective communication to occur.” -Kenneth Savitsky
[I would think this is obvious in retrospect, but until this thought occurs to you (or you have been introduced to it) you could easily overlook this fact.]

Friday, March 18, 2022

Quote of the Day: 18 March 2022 #QotD

“If you polarize people into ‘all or nothing’, a lot of people are going to be pushed into ‘nothing’.” -@politicalmath
“If you polarize people into ‘all or nothing’, a lot of people are going to be pushed into ‘nothing’.” -@politicalmath
[Empathy and loving-kindness are going to be far more effective at winning over potential allies than will stridency.]

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Quote of the Day: 17 March 2022 #QotD

“To the gaslit, the truth looks like misinformation.” -Robb Allen
“To the gaslit, the truth looks like misinformation.” -Robb Allen
[Something to remember when talking to someone who doesn't consume the same news sources you do. And it doesn't necessarily mean that you are in the right. Though, you'll almost certainly think that you are.]

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Quote of the Day: 16 March 2022 #QotD

“I’m not interested in living a miserable life to avoid the sniffles.” -@CasuallyGreg
“I’m not interested in living a miserable life to avoid the sniffles.” -@CasuallyGreg
[Something we should consider when making policy decisions is whether we are thinking categorically or absolutely. Or, in other words, consider the costs as well as the benefits.]

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Quote of the Day: 15 March 2022 #QotD

“It’s horrible to have your own voice echo back at you from the other side of your mind.” -Terry Pratchett
“It’s horrible to have your own voice echo back at you from the other side of your mind.” -Terry Pratchett
[I have only experienced this a time or two. But it is hard to realize you've already diagnosed your own problem, and articulated the solution. But how do you prevent yourself from succumbing to the same human failing again?]

Monday, March 14, 2022

Quote of the Day: 14 March 2022 #QotD

“Never underestimate the power of the need to obey.” -Dave Grossman
“Never underestimate the power of the need to obey.” -Dave Grossman
[This is something that was written to explain why someone might have killed in a war situation. But it is not limited to that context. It applies quite well in many other situations.]

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Quote of the Day: 13 March 2022 #QotD

“The more we have the doctrine of Christ in our lives and hearts, the more we feel greater love and sympathy for those who have never had the blessings of faith in Jesus Christ or are struggling to maintain it.” -Henry B. Eyring
“The more we have the doctrine of Christ in our lives and hearts, the more we feel greater love and sympathy for those who have never had the blessings of faith in Jesus Christ or are struggling to maintain it.” -Henry B. Eyring

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Quote of the Day: 12 March 2022 #QotD

"[I]f you have studied for years and your skills work exactly the way they are supposed to, that may be shocking[.]" -Rory Miller
"[I]f you have studied for years and your skills work exactly the way they are supposed to, that may be shocking[.]" -Rory Miller
[I expect this mostly applies to skills you have practiced in isolation, or in ways that are not exactly like real use cases due to their dangerous nature. But I have experienced similar things with musical performance, or engineering work as well.]

Friday, March 11, 2022

Quote of the Day: 11 March 2022 #QotD

“We’re very good at knowing what it is we want right now; far less good at predicting whether the object of our desire will produce the satisfaction we take for granted.” -Abigail Shrier
“We’re very good at knowing what it is we want right now; far less good at predicting whether the object of our desire will produce the satisfaction we take for granted.” -Abigail Shrier
[I've rarely read something more true. And yet we persist in our attempts to derive satisfaction from what we imagine will provide happiness.]

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Quote of the Day: 10 March 2022 #QotD

“How is it that the strange idea of making the law produce what it does not contain—prosperity, in a positive sense, wealth, science, religion—should ever have gained ground in the political world?” -Frédéric Bastiat
“How is it that the strange idea of making the law produce what it does not contain—prosperity, in a positive sense, wealth, science, religion—should ever have gained ground in the political world?” -Frédéric Bastiat
[I think it is because people have ceased caring about what the purpose of the law should be once they have realized that they can get the law to take from someone else to provide for them.]

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Quote of the Day: 9 March 2022 #QotD

“Existential genocidal hatred is not something that one magically and suddenly contracts as an adult; rather, it is instilled insidiously and repeatedly in the minds of otherwise pure and innocent children.” -Gad Saad
“Existential genocidal hatred is not something that one magically and suddenly contracts as an adult; rather, it is instilled insidiously and repeatedly in the minds of otherwise pure and innocent children.” -Gad Saad
[Other things are instilled in the same way, some of them good, others less so. Some are downright evil, like the grooming of sexual and other predators. Be on the lookout for them.]

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Quote of the Day: 8 March 2022 #QotD

“It seems as if those of high ability cannot resist some extra, dangerous stroke of cleverness, which results in a fatal flaw and begins a slow decline to evil.”
“It seems as if those of high ability cannot resist some extra, dangerous stroke of cleverness, which results in a fatal flaw and begins a slow decline to evil.” -Mrs. Pentstemmon, Howl’s Moving Castle

[Or supposed cleverness anyway. Whether its actual cleverness or not, well ...]

Monday, March 7, 2022

Quote of the Day: 7 March 2022 #QotD

“Everybody wants to be in charge until it’s time to do leadership. Well, they still want to be in charge, they just don’t want the whole personal responsibility and self-sacrifice thing. That’s icky.” -Tom Rogneby
“Everybody wants to be in charge until it’s time to do leadership. Well, they still want to be in charge, they just don’t want the whole personal responsibility and self-sacrifice thing. That’s icky.” -Tom Rogneby
[This seems about the way of things. However, in my case, I don't think I've learned to be a good leader. I am working at developing some of those skills, though.]

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Quote of the Day: 6 March 2022 #QotD

“Some mistakenly receive the message that repentance and change are unnecessary. God’s message is that they are essential.” -Brad Wilcox
“Some mistakenly receive the message that repentance and change are unnecessary. God’s message is that they are essential.” -Brad Wilcox

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Quote of the Day: 5 March 2022 #QotD

“People tend to regret not listening more than listening and tend to regret things they said more than things they didn’t say.” -Kate Murphy
“People tend to regret not listening more than listening and tend to regret things they said more than things they didn’t say.” -Kate Murphy
[Learning to listen is a lifetime pursuit, but it is well worthwhile. You'll minimize your opportunities for experiencing regret, and you'll foster deeper relationships.]

Friday, March 4, 2022

Quote of the Day: 4 March 2022 #QotD

“Those among the intelligentsia and other ‘social justice’ advocates may prefer a statistically more equal society to a more prosperous society, even one that is better able to subsidize the poor. But, while that is the right of those who hold such views, it is also the right of others, including low-income people, to prefer a more prosperous society.” -Thomas Sowell
“Those among the intelligentsia and other ‘social justice’ advocates may prefer a statistically more equal society to a more prosperous society, even one that is better able to subsidize the poor. But, while that is the right of those who hold such views, it is also the right of others, including low-income people, to prefer a more prosperous society.” -Thomas Sowell
[It's never stopped those 'social justice' advocates from assuming the responsibility to speak for those low-income individuals whether they were wanted or not, and whether they truly spoke on their behalf or not.]

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Quote of the Day: 3 March 2022 #QotD

“Being perfect isn’t a prerequisite for being remembered for doing something great.” -@MattsIdeaShop
“Being perfect isn’t a prerequisite for being remembered for doing something great.” -@MattsIdeaShop
[There was only one perfect man to have ever lived, and the good done by the rest of us imperfect mortals deserves to be remembered and celebrated.]

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Quote of the Day: 2 March 2022 #QotD

“There are only two other choices, anarchy or despotism—Russia, present and past. For the most part human existence has been under the one or the other of these.… Unless the blessings of prosperity, the rewards of industry, justice and liberty, the satisfaction of duty well done, can come under a rule of the people, they cannot come at all.” -Calvin Coolidge
“There are only two other choices, anarchy or despotism—Russia, present and past. For the most part human existence has been under the one or the other of these. Both have failed to minister to the highest welfare of the people. Unless American institutions can provide for that welfare the cause of humanity is hopeless. Unless the blessings of prosperity, the rewards of industry, justice and liberty, the satisfaction of duty well done, can come under a rule of the people, they cannot come at all.” -Calvin Coolidge
[Coolidge was an insightful man. We see now evidence of Russia as it has come to be, despotic and cruel. I hope we can continue to forge a path that rewards industry, justice, and a duty well done while safeguarding the blessings of prosperity. But to do so we must reject the ideologies of division and constant conflict over trifling matters.]

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Quote of the Day: 1 March 2022 #QotD

“So what? Lots of people in history have only done their jobs and look at the trouble they caused.” -Aziraphale, _Good Omens_
“So what? Lots of people in history have only done their jobs and look at the trouble they caused.” -Aziraphale, Good Omens
[This is not because of the scheduled speech tonight. And if you think it is, well, maybe that says more about him than it does about anything else.]