“Third Wave Antiracism, in its laser focus on an oversimplified sense of what racism is and what one does about it, is content to harm black people in the name of what we can only term dogma.” -John McWhorter
[We are witnessing the emergence of a new world religion. One that has no explicit deity, and no path to redemption. Only various degrees of damnation.]
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Monday, May 30, 2022
Quote of the Day: 30 May 2022 #QotD
“Bending over to plant the flags brought me eye-level with the lettering on those marble stones. The stories continued with each one. Distinguished Service Cross. Silver Star. Bronze Star. Purple Heart. America’s wars marched by. Iraq. Afghanistan. Vietnam. Korea. World War II. World War I. Some soldiers died in very old age; others were teenagers. Crosses, Stars of David, Crescents and Stars. Every religion, every race, every age, every region of America is represented in these fields of stone.” -Tom Cotton
[I hope you find meaning in your commemoration of Memorial Day.]
[I hope you find meaning in your commemoration of Memorial Day.]
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Quote of the Day: 29 May 2022 #QotD
“When the storms in life come, you can be steady because you are standing on the rock of your faith in Jesus Christ. That faith will lead you to daily repentance and consistent covenant keeping. Then you will always remember Him. And through the storms of hatred and wickedness, you will feel steady and hopeful.” -Henry B. Eyring
Saturday, May 28, 2022
Quote of the Day: 28 May 2022 #QotD
“The media, which should act to bring us together, serves to pull us apart: conditioning and teaching violence, nurturing our darkest instincts, and feeding the nation with violent stereotypes that foster our deepest fears.” -Dave Grossman
Friday, May 27, 2022
Quote of the Day: 27 May 2022 #QotD
“Just because you’re cynical, doesn’t mean you’re smart.” -Chris Williamson
[I hope that this delusion doesn't affect me. I'm always afraid it might. I know that there are people I otherwise respect who fall prey to this tendency.]
[I hope that this delusion doesn't affect me. I'm always afraid it might. I know that there are people I otherwise respect who fall prey to this tendency.]
Thursday, May 26, 2022
Quote of the Day: 26 May 2022 #QotD
“Very few people understand that swords aren’t dangerous, Tavi, nor hands nor arms, nor furies. Minds are dangerous. Wills are dangerous.” -Araris, Captain’s Fury
[Gun banners keep throwing out the same suggestions whenever they think people will allow their emotions to override their reason. Precisely because those things don't stand up to any level of scrutiny. But, they try, try, and try again. Incrementalism seems to be their preferred method of advancing their agenda.]
[Gun banners keep throwing out the same suggestions whenever they think people will allow their emotions to override their reason. Precisely because those things don't stand up to any level of scrutiny. But, they try, try, and try again. Incrementalism seems to be their preferred method of advancing their agenda.]
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Quote of the Day: 25 May 2022 #QotD
“Sometimes people fool themselves into believing things that aren’t true. Sometimes that can be quite dangerous for the person. They see the world in a wrong way. They won’t let themselves see that what they believe is wrong. But often there is a part of the mind that does know, and the right words can let it out.” -Mr. Nutt, Unseen Academicals
[There are a lot of people expressing things that show they have been fooling themselves. Particularly about a certain event and the changes they'd like to see as a result of what has happened.]
[There are a lot of people expressing things that show they have been fooling themselves. Particularly about a certain event and the changes they'd like to see as a result of what has happened.]
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Quote of the Day: 24 May 2022 #QotD
“Eugenics isn’t Healthcare.” -Austin Petersen
[The vast majority of abortions are performed as post-conception birth control rather than for a reason that might be morally defensible (though in my mind, I can't quite get there even for cases of rape and incest as a general rule.) But to hear the abortion advocates talk about it, they seem to think every instance improves the quality of life for all involved. I don't see how that could be possible for the baby.]
[The vast majority of abortions are performed as post-conception birth control rather than for a reason that might be morally defensible (though in my mind, I can't quite get there even for cases of rape and incest as a general rule.) But to hear the abortion advocates talk about it, they seem to think every instance improves the quality of life for all involved. I don't see how that could be possible for the baby.]
Monday, May 23, 2022
Quote of the Day: 23 May 2022 #QotD
“Beware of those trying to impress you with confusing word salads.” -Gad Saad
[If you don't understand even a quarter of what was said because of terminology, you're vastly unprepared for the conversation. Either because the other party doesn't want you to be, or because you haven't steeled your resolve.]
[If you don't understand even a quarter of what was said because of terminology, you're vastly unprepared for the conversation. Either because the other party doesn't want you to be, or because you haven't steeled your resolve.]
Sunday, May 22, 2022
Quote of the Day: 22 May 2022 #QotD
“How does a peacemaker calm and cool the fiery darts? Certainly not by shrinking before those who disparage us. Rather, we remain confident in our faith, sharing our beliefs with conviction but always void of anger or malice.” -Neil L. Andersen
Saturday, May 21, 2022
Quote of the Day: 21 May 2022 #QotD
“Please don’t put my rants into historical context.” -Rat, Pearls Before Swine
[It's either going to ruin the humor, or defang the complaint.
[It's either going to ruin the humor, or defang the complaint.
But mostly, this was chosen because it's funny.]
Friday, May 20, 2022
Quote of the Day: 20 May 2022 #QotD
“Learning how not to fight is an underrated skill.” -Tamara Keel
[I think this applies to verbal arguments as well. There is virtue in standing up for what you believe in, but there is folly in getting in a drawn out argument over it with one who will not respect your position.]
[I think this applies to verbal arguments as well. There is virtue in standing up for what you believe in, but there is folly in getting in a drawn out argument over it with one who will not respect your position.]
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Quote of the Day: 19 May 2022 #QotD
“Those who fail to learn history usually aren’t doing so well in English or practical math either.” -P. J. O’Rourke
[And I'd personally prefer that they not be voting.]
[And I'd personally prefer that they not be voting.]
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Quote of the Day: 18 May 2022 #QotD
“[W]hen people feel insecure or isolated, they tend to overdramatize and espouse more extreme views to get attention.” -Kate Murphy
[And we've had a spate of events and movements that have increased isolation over the past couple of years, including but not limited to pandemic related lock-downs, and social movements seeking to shun people outside a narrow interpretation of mainstream thought. We've also seen some of the results of those actions.]
[And we've had a spate of events and movements that have increased isolation over the past couple of years, including but not limited to pandemic related lock-downs, and social movements seeking to shun people outside a narrow interpretation of mainstream thought. We've also seen some of the results of those actions.]
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Quote of the Day: 17 May 2022 #QotD
“The general idea that America is in some kind of denial about race—or racism, which is what people really mean when they say this—is perfectly absurd.” -John McWhorter
[I have seen so many people say this that I have entirely lost track of it. But it keeps getting pushed regardless of the lack of merit of the point.]
[I have seen so many people say this that I have entirely lost track of it. But it keeps getting pushed regardless of the lack of merit of the point.]
Monday, May 16, 2022
Quote of the Day: 16 May 2022 #QotD
“Taking every metric and boiling it down to ‘red vs blue’ makes us monsters[.]” -@politicalmath
[If your instinctual reaction to an event is 'how does this make my political opponent look bad?' then you're failing at life.]
[If your instinctual reaction to an event is 'how does this make my political opponent look bad?' then you're failing at life.]
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Quote of the Day: 15 May 2022 #QotD
“[N]o one has sinned tomorrow. May we recalculate our route if need be and look forward with great hope and faith.” -Gary B. Sabin
Saturday, May 14, 2022
Quote of the Day: 14 May 2022 #QotD
“A joke doesn't stop being funny just because you don't get it.” -David Burge
[In fact, how you react could create a brand new joke and just make things that much funnier.]
[In fact, how you react could create a brand new joke and just make things that much funnier.]
Friday, May 13, 2022
Quote of the Day: 13 May 2022 #QotD
“He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side; if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion.” -John Stuart Mill
[Certainly don't have any reason for posting this. None at all.]
[Certainly don't have any reason for posting this. None at all.]
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Quote of the Day: 12 May 2022 #QotD
“Worry is fear in disguise. And fear will eat you from the inside out if you let it.” -Isana, Captain’s Fury
[If you let it. If you don't, it can be a powerful motivator. Just make sure it motivates you to the correct action.]
[If you let it. If you don't, it can be a powerful motivator. Just make sure it motivates you to the correct action.]
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Quote of the Day: 11 May 2022 #QotD
“There are times when everything that you can do has been done and there’s nothing for it now but to curl up and wait for the thunder to die down.” -Terry Pratchett
[This is not one of those times for me, and it probably isn't for you either. But knowing that those times come helps you to know how to respond to them appropriately.]
[This is not one of those times for me, and it probably isn't for you either. But knowing that those times come helps you to know how to respond to them appropriately.]
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Quote of the Day: 10 May 2022 #QotD
“My only flaw is a preternatural intolerance of pesky kids.” -The dad, Calvin and Hobbes
[Mine too. I'm sure.]
[Mine too. I'm sure.]
Monday, May 9, 2022
Quote of the Day: 9 May 2022 #QotD
“Get engaged in the battle for reason and freedom of thought and speech. Your voice matters. Use it.” -Gad Saad
[Especially now that we are beginning to see the pushback against leftist idiocy bearing some fruit. There is less and less reason not to speak up as time goes by.]
[Especially now that we are beginning to see the pushback against leftist idiocy bearing some fruit. There is less and less reason not to speak up as time goes by.]
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Quote of the Day: 8 May 2022 #QotD
“When mothers know who they are and who God is and have made covenants with Him, they will have great power and influence for good on their children.” -Julie B. Beck
[Happy Mother's Day!]
[Happy Mother's Day!]
Saturday, May 7, 2022
Quote of the Day: 7 May 2022 #QotD
“Equal opportunity is not the same as equal probabilities of success. The distinction is fundamental, despite how often that distinction is blurred by those who equate equal ‘opportunity’ with equal ‘life chances,’ and declare a society without equal outcomes to be a society without equal opportunity.” -Thomas Sowell
[Despite attempts to rectify it (as though it was a deficiency in society) you cannot equalize outcomes. People are not interchangeable, and some people want different things than other people. You aren't going to be happy having exactly the same life as your neighbors.]
[Despite attempts to rectify it (as though it was a deficiency in society) you cannot equalize outcomes. People are not interchangeable, and some people want different things than other people. You aren't going to be happy having exactly the same life as your neighbors.]
Friday, May 6, 2022
Quote of the Day: 6 May 2022 #QotD
“Is a true statement any less true simply because it's spoken by someone disdainful?” -Robb Allen
[Truth stands independent of viewpoint. How you interpret the truth does not.]
[Truth stands independent of viewpoint. How you interpret the truth does not.]
Thursday, May 5, 2022
Quote of the Day: 5 May 2022 #QotD
“Those who choose the path of atrocity have burned their bridges behind them. There is no turning back.” -Dave Grossman
[While I do believe in redemption, at least the possibility of redemption, it becomes harder the more you have to suppress your own or others' humanity.]
[While I do believe in redemption, at least the possibility of redemption, it becomes harder the more you have to suppress your own or others' humanity.]
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Quote of the Day: 4 May 2022 #QotD
“The ability to listen to anyone has been replaced by the capacity to shut out everyone, particularly those who disagree with us or don’t get to the point fast enough.” -Kate Murphy
[So, maybe take the time to listen to someone you disagree with today. The world will be better for it.]
[So, maybe take the time to listen to someone you disagree with today. The world will be better for it.]
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Quote of the Day: 3 May 2022 #QotD
“The earth can be made an earthly paradise, but not by legislative fiat.” -P. J. O’Rourke
[Whatever your feelings about how best to improve society, attempting to impose those changes on people by force is not going to go well.]
[Whatever your feelings about how best to improve society, attempting to impose those changes on people by force is not going to go well.]
Monday, May 2, 2022
Quote of the Day: 2 May 2022 #QotD
“It is very hard to see beyond what is normal in your time.” -John McWhorter
[This hasn't seemed to stop bad people from judging others based on today's standards rather than those of their own time. And that isn't something that is likely to change.]
[This hasn't seemed to stop bad people from judging others based on today's standards rather than those of their own time. And that isn't something that is likely to change.]
Sunday, May 1, 2022
Quote of the Day: 1 May 2022 #QotD
“[F]aith focused in and on the Lord Jesus Christ fortifies us with spiritual strength.” -David A. Bednar