“[T]he Lord will bless you with miracles if you believe in Him, ‘doubting nothing.’ Do the spiritual work to seek miracles. Prayerfully ask God to help you exercise that kind of faith.” -Russell M. Nelson
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Saturday, July 30, 2022
Quote of the Day: 30 July 2022 #QotD
“In poetry, Mr. MacBharrais, every word is sacred. None is profane.” -Brighid, Ink & Sigil
[Every word, every syllable contributes to the effect the poet is working to achieve.]
[Every word, every syllable contributes to the effect the poet is working to achieve.]
Friday, July 29, 2022
Quote of the Day: 19 July 2022 #QotD
“American lack of interest in government is well developed, but American ignorance of government is perfect.” -P. J. O’Rourke
[Our populace really isn't a good approximation of what should be the electorate. Universal suffrage is not a good idea, there just isn't anything I've thought of that would be better.]
[Our populace really isn't a good approximation of what should be the electorate. Universal suffrage is not a good idea, there just isn't anything I've thought of that would be better.]
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Quote of the Day: 28 July 2022 #QotD
“The fate of whole races, nations and civilizations can depend on whether they happen to be located in the right place at the right time or in the wrong place at the wrong time. Moreover, what was the right place or the wrong place has varied greatly over the centuries.” -Thomas Sowell
[Something to consider as you enjoy the benefits of our modern (though apparently declining) society.]
[Something to consider as you enjoy the benefits of our modern (though apparently declining) society.]
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Quote of the Day: 27 July 2022 #QotD
“It can be of no weight to say, that the courts on the pretense of a repugnancy, may substitute their own pleasure to the constitutional intentions of the legislature.” -Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist No. 78
[There will be those who don't understand what this actually means, and will insist that recent Supreme Court rulings violate this principle. However, what they have actually done is to roll back former rulings that violated it, or rebuke lower courts that have done so.]
[There will be those who don't understand what this actually means, and will insist that recent Supreme Court rulings violate this principle. However, what they have actually done is to roll back former rulings that violated it, or rebuke lower courts that have done so.]
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Quote of the Day: 26 July 2022 #QotD
“Utopianism lacks sophistication. It is the game of performers, not those who actually get things done for real people.” -John McWhorter
[One way is the classic saw of the perfect being the enemy of the good, meaning that the pursuit of utopia prevents one from making real, meaningful improvements now. It also leaves one seeking to constantly improve the theory, rather than ever implementing anything.]
[One way is the classic saw of the perfect being the enemy of the good, meaning that the pursuit of utopia prevents one from making real, meaningful improvements now. It also leaves one seeking to constantly improve the theory, rather than ever implementing anything.]
Monday, July 25, 2022
Quote of the Day: 25 July 2022 #QotD
“Everything is easy if you’re willing to do it badly.” -Scott Meyer
[I laughed. Then I thought. Now I'm certain, that there is the basis of a sound philosophy here, that has been twisted just enough to make it funny.]
[I laughed. Then I thought. Now I'm certain, that there is the basis of a sound philosophy here, that has been twisted just enough to make it funny.]
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Quote of the Day: 24 July 2022 #QotD
“Many of our challenges are different from those faced by former pioneers but perhaps just as dangerous and surely as significant to our own salvation and the salvation of those who follow us.” -Dallin H. Oaks
[Happy Pioneer Day.]
[Happy Pioneer Day.]
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Quote of the Day: 23 July 2022 #QotD
“Don’t give me your ideas. I’m on the run from mine.” -Sarah Hoyt
[People who have not worked on a creative endeavor tend to take their own ideas a little to preciously. What really matters is not that you come up with an idea that is truly original, but that you execute it to the best of your ability.]
[People who have not worked on a creative endeavor tend to take their own ideas a little to preciously. What really matters is not that you come up with an idea that is truly original, but that you execute it to the best of your ability.]
Friday, July 22, 2022
Quote of the Day: 22 July 2022 #QotD
“[T]wo years is the minimum time that it takes to begin to enjoy an instrument, rather than simply struggling with it.” -Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise
[This is probably true if you're starting from little or no previous experience. I have still not reached two years of practicing with my ukulele, but I quite enjoy it. However, I had several years of piano lessons, and a few of flute before.]
[This is probably true if you're starting from little or no previous experience. I have still not reached two years of practicing with my ukulele, but I quite enjoy it. However, I had several years of piano lessons, and a few of flute before.]
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Quote of the Day: 21 July 2022 #QotD
“Museums don’t like things to be thrown away, in case they turn out to be very important later on.” -Terry Pratchett
[As anything could be interesting or important to future historians, there is no rubric that will be acceptable for use in determining what to discard, and what to keep. At the least, they should be kept in an organized fashion.]
[As anything could be interesting or important to future historians, there is no rubric that will be acceptable for use in determining what to discard, and what to keep. At the least, they should be kept in an organized fashion.]
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Quote of the Day: 20 July 2022 #QotD
“To be a truly wise person requires that we recognize those domains best served by our intellect versus those best guided by our emotions.” -Gad Saad
[There is wisdom in recognizing that not every domain is best served by either intellect or emotion. Sadly, so many today have chosen to turn all their decisions over to their emotions, completely ignoring intellect or making it entirely subservient to emotional thinking.]
[There is wisdom in recognizing that not every domain is best served by either intellect or emotion. Sadly, so many today have chosen to turn all their decisions over to their emotions, completely ignoring intellect or making it entirely subservient to emotional thinking.]
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Quote of the Day: 19 July 2022 #QotD
“Enemies are far more faithful than friends, Aleran, and more dependable than allies. One can respect an enemy far more easily than a friend.” -Varg, Captain’s Fury
[It's a negative kind of respect, but it is a respect nonetheless. I guess that means something.]
[It's a negative kind of respect, but it is a respect nonetheless. I guess that means something.]
Monday, July 18, 2022
Quote of the Day: 18 July 2022 #QotD
“Progressives love to tell us how tolerant, loving and evolved they are. But their actions speak louder than their virtue signaling.” -Jason Rantz
[This was from four years ago, but its veracity hasn't waned in the intervening time.]
[This was from four years ago, but its veracity hasn't waned in the intervening time.]
Sunday, July 17, 2022
Quote of the Day: 17 July 2022 #QotD
“If religion is not there to help with shaping character and mediating hard times, who will be? Who will teach honesty, gratitude, forgiveness, and patience? Who will exhibit charity, compassion, and kindness for the forgotten and the downtrodden? Who will embrace those who are different yet deserving, as are all of God’s children? Who will open their arms to those in need and seek no recompense? Who will reverence peace and obedience to laws greater than the trends of the day? Who will respond to the Savior’s plea ‘Go, and do thou likewise’?” -Ronald A. Rasband
Saturday, July 16, 2022
Quote of the Day: 16 July 2022 #QotD
“It’s a lot more fun to blame things than to fix them.” -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
[It's also easier. That doesn't mean it is more useful, or more worthwhile; just more fun and easier.]
[It's also easier. That doesn't mean it is more useful, or more worthwhile; just more fun and easier.]
Friday, July 15, 2022
Quote of the Day: 15 July 2022 #QotD
“[I]f you remember the 1988 presidential campaign, Joe [Biden] doesn’t use his own words either.” -P. J. O’Rourke
[And at this point, you likely remember more about 1988 than Joe Biden does.]
[And at this point, you likely remember more about 1988 than Joe Biden does.]
Thursday, July 14, 2022
Quote of the Day: 14 July 2022 #QotD
“The influence of wealth in the marketplace makes many prefer to move decisions into the political arena, on the assumption that this is a more level playing field. However, among the things that wealth buys is more and better education, as well as more leisure time that can be devoted to political activities and the mastering of legal technicalities.” -Thomas Sowell
[Deservedly so, too.]
[Deservedly so, too.]
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Quote of the Day: 13 July 2022 #QotD
“It’s much easier to just plain _decide_. Never mind—_nothing_ is going to change your mind.” -Richard Feynman
[As long as your mind has been made up after a thorough consideration of the issue at hand, or if it is about matters that are inconsequential this may even be worthwhile. And just because it is easier is not a reason to say that it is wiser.]
[As long as your mind has been made up after a thorough consideration of the issue at hand, or if it is about matters that are inconsequential this may even be worthwhile. And just because it is easier is not a reason to say that it is wiser.]
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Quote of the Day: 12 July 2022 #QotD
“Electism forces us to think like people of the Dark Ages without knowing it. It’s scary, it’s unfair and regressive, and it’s just plain wrong.” -John McWhorter
[It is a bit scary to see people embrace this without realizing it is essentially a religion. Especially when they profess to belong to some form of organized religion apart from electism.]
[It is a bit scary to see people embrace this without realizing it is essentially a religion. Especially when they profess to belong to some form of organized religion apart from electism.]
Monday, July 11, 2022
Quote of the Day: 11 July 2022 #QotD
“Despite what a recent popular song might tell us, from a distance you don’t look anything like a friend. From a distance, I can deny your humanity; and from a distance, I cannot hear your screams.” -Dave Grossman
[There are a lot of pleasant lies we tell ourselves to make us feel better about living in this fallen world. This is just one of them.]
[There are a lot of pleasant lies we tell ourselves to make us feel better about living in this fallen world. This is just one of them.]
Sunday, July 10, 2022
Quote of the Day: 10 July 2022 #QotD
“As we love, share, and invite, we take part in that great and glorious work that prepares the earth for the return of its Messiah.” -Gary E. Stevenson
Saturday, July 9, 2022
Quote of the Day: 9 July 2022 #QotD
“But women are women. You can’t eliminate the downside of being a woman, without eliminating being a woman.” -Sarah Hoyt
[Stop trying to elide the differences between men and women. We are different, and that difference is significant and important. Men need women, and women need men in order for society to function properly.]
[Stop trying to elide the differences between men and women. We are different, and that difference is significant and important. Men need women, and women need men in order for society to function properly.]
Friday, July 8, 2022
Quote of the Day: 8 July 2022 #QotD
“Education cannot be neutral when it comes to faith: it is either supportive or destructive.” -Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise
[This is true whether it is intended or not. It behooves you to be aware of it, and then to act accordingly.]
[This is true whether it is intended or not. It behooves you to be aware of it, and then to act accordingly.]
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Quote of the Day: 7 July 2022 #QotD
“You can’t just fork it into your head. Learning has to be digested. You don’t just have to know, you have to comprehend.” -Lady Margolotta (thought), Unseen Academicals
[Definitely something to keep in mind. The quantity of reading, classes, or other learning someone engages in gives you a ceiling for their knowledge, but only their understanding establishes a floor.]
[Definitely something to keep in mind. The quantity of reading, classes, or other learning someone engages in gives you a ceiling for their knowledge, but only their understanding establishes a floor.]
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Quote of the Day: 6 July 2022 #QotD
“Children are meant to be protected and cherished in the privacy of a family. They are not meant to be virtue-signaling social-justice pawns for impressing progressive friends.” -Gad Saad
[We, as a society, have lost sight of the things that matter most. The family is one of those things that matter most.]
[We, as a society, have lost sight of the things that matter most. The family is one of those things that matter most.]
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Quote of the Day: 5 July 2022 #QotD
“Someone must command. But no one who does so is perfect. He will, therefore, make mistakes. And, since the world is dangerous and unfair, it is inevitable that some of those mistakes will eventually have consequences[.]” -Alera, First Lord’s Fury
[I try to give room for grace, but when the mistakes begin to pile one on top of another things have gotten out of hand.]
[I try to give room for grace, but when the mistakes begin to pile one on top of another things have gotten out of hand.]
Monday, July 4, 2022
Quote of the Day: 4 July 2022 #QotD
“I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States.—Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will tryumph in that Days Transaction, even altho We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not.” -John Adams
[Happy Independence Day!]
[Happy Independence Day!]
Sunday, July 3, 2022
Quote of the Day: 3 July 2022
“[I]n the midst of this refiner’s fire, rather than get angry with God, get close to God. Call upon the Father in the name of the Son. Walk with Them in the Spirit, day by day. Allow Them over time to manifest Their fidelity to you. Come truly to know Them and truly to know yourself.” -D. Todd Christofferson
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Quote of the Day: 2 July 2022 #QotD
“Somehow whenever I ask a question, I end up with a lot of them to answer.” -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
[That does seem to be the way of life, doesn't it?]
[That does seem to be the way of life, doesn't it?]
Friday, July 1, 2022
Quote of the Day: 1 July 2022 #QotD
“Whatever it is that the government does, sensible Americans would prefer that the government do it to somebody else.” -P. J. O’Rourke