“One reason why spending has so little effect on educational performance is that most of the money never reaches the classroom.” -Thomas Sowell
[This was true when the source was written decades ago, and the problem has only intensified since then. There has been an explosion in administrators who add almost nothing of value to the educational process.]
Friday, September 30, 2022
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Quote of the Day: 29 September 2022 #QotD
“I’m a simple man with complex tastes.” -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
[And there's less contradiction there than many would assume.]
[And there's less contradiction there than many would assume.]
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Quote of the Day: 28 September 2022 #QotD
“[O]ne might be tempted to think that scientists are impartial processors of information. The reality though is that they are human beings capable of the same penchant for motivated reasoning.” -Gad Saad
[Too many people blindly worship at the altar of scientific authority. The people who disseminate scientific messages are still people. They are not any better than people in general merely because they are scientists.]
[Too many people blindly worship at the altar of scientific authority. The people who disseminate scientific messages are still people. They are not any better than people in general merely because they are scientists.]
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Quote of the Day: 27 September 2022 #QotD
“Ironically, people who cite the collective are usually only concerned with what benefits them individually, while people who stand for individual liberties truly believe that's the best thing for all of us.” -Ty Reynolds
[An interesting observation. And something that we need to spend some time thinking about.]
[An interesting observation. And something that we need to spend some time thinking about.]
Monday, September 26, 2022
Quote of the Day: 26 September 2022 #QotD
“Please don’t chew on my army.” -Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy
[I imagine that if this in a necessary request, then you probably need to increase the quality of your army.]
[I imagine that if this in a necessary request, then you probably need to increase the quality of your army.]
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Quote of the Day: 25 September 2022 #QotD
“Our Savior, Jesus Christ, through His atoning sacrifice, made it possible for us to be cleansed and healed, enabling us to fulfill our purpose on earth regardless of decisions of family members, our marital status, physical or mental health, or any other situation.” -Susan H. Porter
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Quote of the Day: 24 September 2022 #QotD
“When it’s better for enthusiastic and ambitious professionals to go to work for a country’s government than it is for them to go to work, the country is in trouble.” -P. J. O’Rourke
[There are probably other indicators as well, but this is definitely one of the surer signs of impending difficulties.]
[There are probably other indicators as well, but this is definitely one of the surer signs of impending difficulties.]
Friday, September 23, 2022
Quote of the Day: 23 September 2022 #QotD
“To tar today’s America as insufficiently aware of slavery is more about smugness and noble victimhood than forging something new and needed.” -John McWhorter
[I don't know who in America today hasn't had the opportunity to learn about slavery. Ignorance of it at this point is entirely voluntary, not something that occurs without conscious thought.]
[I don't know who in America today hasn't had the opportunity to learn about slavery. Ignorance of it at this point is entirely voluntary, not something that occurs without conscious thought.]
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Quote of the Day: 22 September 2022 #QotD
“There's nothing wrong with having some nice things, but make sure those nice things don't have YOU.” -Dave Ramsey
[Materialism is soul destroying. One of many things that is destructive to the soul, sure, but it is one.]
[Materialism is soul destroying. One of many things that is destructive to the soul, sure, but it is one.]
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Quote of the Day: 21 September 2022 #QotD
“You can’t force a child to develop abstract thinking.” -Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise
[And looking at the state of the world these days, it is apparent that many still haven't developed this critical skill.]
[And looking at the state of the world these days, it is apparent that many still haven't developed this critical skill.]
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Quote of the Day: 20 September 2022 #QotD
“Create too much money and you get inflation. We are witnessing the proof of that right now.” -John Steele Gordon
[And yet I still keep seeing people blaming inflation on 'greedy' companies who insist on charging 'too much' for their products.]
[And yet I still keep seeing people blaming inflation on 'greedy' companies who insist on charging 'too much' for their products.]
Monday, September 19, 2022
Quote of the Day: 19 September 2022 #QotD
“The community of the saints is not an ‘ideal’ community consisting of perfect and sinless men and women, where there is no need of further repentance.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer
[It is apparently easy to overlook this. To insist that someone who falls short of the ideals he claims to hold dear must not actually hold those values. Usually used in an effort to discredit him in some way.]
[It is apparently easy to overlook this. To insist that someone who falls short of the ideals he claims to hold dear must not actually hold those values. Usually used in an effort to discredit him in some way.]
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Quote of the Day: 18 September 2022 #QotD
“You are not less worthy or less valuable or less loved as a human being, or as a daughter or son of God, because of what someone else has done to you.” -Patrick Kearon
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Quote of the Day: 17 September 2022 #QotD
“A society that can’t or won’t protect its children deserves to fall.” -@OmegaAbradax
[And it certainly will. Children brought up as members of a society will continue it. Children left to the fend for themselves become feral, apathetic, or don't survive. They will not perpetuate that society.]
[And it certainly will. Children brought up as members of a society will continue it. Children left to the fend for themselves become feral, apathetic, or don't survive. They will not perpetuate that society.]
Friday, September 16, 2022
Quote of the Day: 16 September 2022 #QotD
“Truth is female, since truth is beauty rather than handsomeness[.]” -Mustrum Ridcully (thought), Unseen Academicals
[Surely something to make one think.]
[Surely something to make one think.]
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Quote of the Day: 15 September 2022 #QotD
“After more than a quarter of a century of declining school performances, the claim that educators have some mysterious ‘expertise’ which parents cannot grasp is a claim that is hard to take seriously.” -Thomas Sowell
[Parents have given too much deference to teachers. The common perception of teachers as heroes is too much ingrained in people. In reality, they are, by and large, simply people doing a job. Some few may have the concerns of their students at the forefront of their interests. But most of them either just want to get the job done, or are pursuing other less noble interests.]
[Parents have given too much deference to teachers. The common perception of teachers as heroes is too much ingrained in people. In reality, they are, by and large, simply people doing a job. Some few may have the concerns of their students at the forefront of their interests. But most of them either just want to get the job done, or are pursuing other less noble interests.]
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Quote of the Day: 14 September 2022 #QotD
“The human instinct to protect one’s beliefs from the indignity of being challenged transcends an individual’s political orientation.” -Gad Saad
[Of course I don't want my beliefs challenged. But I understand that they must be in order for me to have any integrity. That doesn't mean it isn't difficult for me to accept. Just that I know there is no other way to live my life.]
[Of course I don't want my beliefs challenged. But I understand that they must be in order for me to have any integrity. That doesn't mean it isn't difficult for me to accept. Just that I know there is no other way to live my life.]
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Quote of the Day: 13 September 2022 #QotD
“I hate it when I can’t gird my loins with funny animals.” -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
[Little boys can be so picky. And The pup sure is.]
[Little boys can be so picky. And The pup sure is.]
Monday, September 12, 2022
Quote of the Day: 12 September 2022 #QotD
“Tae new friends while honoring the old; tae blazing new trails while remembering the paths of our youth; and tae knowing ourselves better and loving what we see.” -Buck Foy, Paper & Blood
[Time progresses whether we want it to or not, and things change whether we desire those changes or wish we could hold them back. So, you may as well embrace the changes, and learn to love the season of life you live in.]
[Time progresses whether we want it to or not, and things change whether we desire those changes or wish we could hold them back. So, you may as well embrace the changes, and learn to love the season of life you live in.]
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Quote of the Day: 11 September 2022 #QotD
“From the day of Cain to the present, the adversary has been the great mastermind of the terrible conflicts that have brought so much suffering.
“Treachery and terrorism began with him. And they will continue until the Son of God returns to rule and reign with peace and righteousness among the sons and daughters of God.” -Gordon B. Hinckley
[A day of somber reflection for all Americans, and all people who oppose terrorism and barbarity the world over.]
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Quote of the Day: 10 September 2022 #QotD
“[C]ars should have an angry horn and a happy horn[.]” -@dril_nye
[I endorse this idea. It's something that would have been useful yesterday as some dimwit was driving in my lane on a narrow curvy road near my home. I had to come to a near stop, and wait for her to clear my lane before I could proceed.]
[I endorse this idea. It's something that would have been useful yesterday as some dimwit was driving in my lane on a narrow curvy road near my home. I had to come to a near stop, and wait for her to clear my lane before I could proceed.]
Friday, September 9, 2022
Quote of the Day: 9 September 2022 #QotD
“It is remarkable, on close inspection, what a lousy way to get things done democracy is.” -P. J. O’Rourke
[Worst method, except for all the others and all that. Except, I think a functioning republic is probably better. Even then, I'm not sure democracy is all it's cracked up to be given the intelligence, or lack thereof, that I see around me frequently.]
[Worst method, except for all the others and all that. Except, I think a functioning republic is probably better. Even then, I'm not sure democracy is all it's cracked up to be given the intelligence, or lack thereof, that I see around me frequently.]
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Quote of the Day: 8 September 2022 #QotD
“Third Wave Antiracism exploits modern Americans’ fear of being thought racist to promulgate not just antiracism, but an obsessive, self-involved, totalitarian, and utterly unnecessary kind of cultural reprogramming.” -John McWhorter
[This may be what they currently do, but it seems that the accusation of racism is losing much of its power because of overuse.]
[This may be what they currently do, but it seems that the accusation of racism is losing much of its power because of overuse.]
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Quote of the Day: 7 September 2022 #QotD
“I’ve come to believe that we should not medicate boys so they fit the school; we should change the school to fit the boy.” -Leonard Sax
[This probably also true of girls, but the school system is far more likely to treat girls well than it is to treat a boy well. I've heard it said that schools tend to treat boys as defective girls. This is just another in a list of reasons why I have chosen to educate my children at home rather than to subject them to the vagaries of the government school system.]
[This probably also true of girls, but the school system is far more likely to treat girls well than it is to treat a boy well. I've heard it said that schools tend to treat boys as defective girls. This is just another in a list of reasons why I have chosen to educate my children at home rather than to subject them to the vagaries of the government school system.]
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Quote of the Day: 6 September 2022 #QotD
“The freedom to tailor an academic program to your child’s particular interests and needs, strengths and struggles, is one of home education’s greatest advantages.” -Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise
[I am working to provide The pup and The babydoll a tailored education that will far exceed anything they could get at a public institution. I managed to get a very good education through public school, but that was decades ago, and I don't want to rely on luck to provide the same (preferably better) for my children.]
[I am working to provide The pup and The babydoll a tailored education that will far exceed anything they could get at a public institution. I managed to get a very good education through public school, but that was decades ago, and I don't want to rely on luck to provide the same (preferably better) for my children.]
Monday, September 5, 2022
Quote of the Day: 5 September 2022 #QotD
“The union version of freedom of association eliminates workers’ freedom to be associated with different unions, to choose alternative forms of group representation, and to represent themselves in negotiations with employers.… In sum, unions’ version of freedom of association means denying others their equal freedom of association.” -Gary M. Galles
[Happy Labor Day.
[Happy Labor Day.
And your reminder that labor unions are a blight to workers, and cause massive distortions to the labor market and our economy.]
Sunday, September 4, 2022
Saturday, September 3, 2022
Quote of the Day: 3 September 2022 #QotD
"We lambs were forbidden to lie, but the interrogator could tell all the lies he felt like. Those articles of law did not apply to him. We had even lost the yardstick with which to guage: what does he get for lying? He could confront us with as many documents as he chose, bearing the forged signatures of our kinfolk and friends–and it would be just a skillful interrogation technique." -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
[This description of Soviet interrogation practices is disturbingly similar to what too many police officers or FBI agents are allowed to do here. This is something that we should be looking to reign in, rather than expand.]
[This description of Soviet interrogation practices is disturbingly similar to what too many police officers or FBI agents are allowed to do here. This is something that we should be looking to reign in, rather than expand.]
Friday, September 2, 2022
Quote of the Day: 2 September 2022 #QotD
“Where a battering ram cannot work, really good shortcrust pastry can often break through.” -Glenda Sugarbean (thought), Unseen Academicals
[A short treatise on the merits of diplomacy when force will fail.]
[A short treatise on the merits of diplomacy when force will fail.]
Thursday, September 1, 2022
Quote of the Day: 1 September 2022 #QotD
“If you have no right to disapprove, then your approval means nothing.” -Thomas Sowell
[This is a fully logical position to take. However, it ignores that you have the right but may not be able to publicly express your disapproval. In those cases, you can still disapprove, and it still means little, but you have the right to your own thoughts, and your own mind.]
[This is a fully logical position to take. However, it ignores that you have the right but may not be able to publicly express your disapproval. In those cases, you can still disapprove, and it still means little, but you have the right to your own thoughts, and your own mind.]