“The narrow passage led infinitely down like some hideous haunted well, and the torch I held above my head could not light the unknown depths toward which I was crawling.” -The Narrator, The Nameless City
[Happy Halloween! I hope you enjoy your observations of the day.]
Monday, October 31, 2022
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Quote of the Day: 30 October 2022 #QotD
“To be very clear, the best guide you can possibly have for making choices is Jesus Christ.” -Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Quote of the Day: 29 October 2022 #QotD
“[I]t is not merely that Johnny can’t read, or even that Johnny can’t think. Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is, because thinking is so often confused with feeling in many public schools.” -Thomas Sowell
[As is evidenced by the lack of thinking we see in today's society.]
[As is evidenced by the lack of thinking we see in today's society.]
Friday, October 28, 2022
Quote of the Day: 28 October 2022 #QotD
“Live! Live the wonderful life that is in you!” -Lord Henry Wotton, The Picture of Dorian Gray
[While the original context was a call to hedonism, (at least in my view) I don't think Oliver Wilde would object to its use as a call to just embrace life rather than succumbing to ennui or nihilism.]
[While the original context was a call to hedonism, (at least in my view) I don't think Oliver Wilde would object to its use as a call to just embrace life rather than succumbing to ennui or nihilism.]
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Quote of the Day: 27 October 2022 #QotD
“It must be depressing to go through life with no purpose.” -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
[It may be more depressing if you choose the wrong purpose. But without purpose, you're almost guaranteed to founder on the reefs of life.]
[It may be more depressing if you choose the wrong purpose. But without purpose, you're almost guaranteed to founder on the reefs of life.]
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Quote of the Day: 26 October 2022 #QotD
“While purportedly ‘dismantling racist structures,’ the Elect religion is actually harming the people living in those structures.” -John McWhorter
[Obviously, their goal is not to help people, it is to enrich or empower themselves.]
[Obviously, their goal is not to help people, it is to enrich or empower themselves.]
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Quote of the Day: 25 October 2022 #QotD
“It is the curse of humanity to forever wonder about paths not taken.” -Sarah Hoyt
[And boy do I. All the time. But this human tendency also leads to societal advancement. So, is it really all that bad?]
[And boy do I. All the time. But this human tendency also leads to societal advancement. So, is it really all that bad?]
Monday, October 24, 2022
Quote of the Day: 24 October 2022 #QotD
“Sometimes if you wanted to go to the ball you had to be your own fairy godmother.” -Glenda Sugarbean (thought), Unseen Academicals
[On occasion we have to pick ourselves up and make the thing we want to happen occur. So, what are you waiting for?]
[On occasion we have to pick ourselves up and make the thing we want to happen occur. So, what are you waiting for?]
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Quote of the Day: 23 October 2022 #QotD
“The blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ are immeasurable because they are eternal.” -Randy D. Funk
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Quote of the Day: 22 October 2022 #QotD
“It is a popular delusion that the government wastes vast amounts of money through inefficiency and sloth. Enormous effort and elaborate planning are required to waste this much money.” -P. J. O’Rourke
[And this was written decades ago. Just think what is required to handle the amounts thrown around today.]
[And this was written decades ago. Just think what is required to handle the amounts thrown around today.]
Friday, October 21, 2022
Quote of the Day: 21 October 2022 #QotD
“Most Americans are still proud and trusting of our military. But this trust and support cannot be taken for granted. If Americans perceive that the military is being exploited for political purposes or being used for experiments in woke social policies, that support will evaporate, and the consequences will be dire.” -Thomas Spoehr
[Most Americans probably are, but I, for one, am certainly questioning my sense of pride and my trust in our current military.]
[Most Americans probably are, but I, for one, am certainly questioning my sense of pride and my trust in our current military.]
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Quote of the Day: 20 October 2022 #QotD
“When left to their own devices, prices tell us vital information about our economy. They pinpoint scarce resources, indicate consumers’ wants, and drive entrepreneurship and innovation. But when the government attempts to cap prices to ‘protect’ consumers, this information becomes distorted.” -Aadi Golchha
[As with all protectionist schemes, it merely distorts market forces in an attempt to favor one group over another. This only leads to bad outcomes for the vast majority, and a few folks who benefit.]
[As with all protectionist schemes, it merely distorts market forces in an attempt to favor one group over another. This only leads to bad outcomes for the vast majority, and a few folks who benefit.]
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Quote of the Day: 19 October 2022 #QotD
“It’s a rare child who wants to do something unfamiliar that involves work; as a matter of fact, we’ve yet to meet a five-year-old who could be convinced to set her eyes on long-range goals.” -Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise
[Being aware of child development will help you be a better parent. Or whatever relationship you have with children. It will help set your expectations so that they are not out of line with reality. That will reduce your frustration and anger.]
[Being aware of child development will help you be a better parent. Or whatever relationship you have with children. It will help set your expectations so that they are not out of line with reality. That will reduce your frustration and anger.]
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Quote of the Day: 18 October 2022 #QotD
“The mid-term elections are coming up soon. It’s that semi-annual season of hope where we all think that we’re going to vote our way to a better tomorrow[.]” -Tom Rogneby
[Sometimes we do. Not often, I'll grant you. But sometimes.]
[Sometimes we do. Not often, I'll grant you. But sometimes.]
Monday, October 17, 2022
Quote of the Day: 17 October 2022 #QotD
“[I]t is bad enough to have a politically-neutral surveillance state controlled by the national security crowd and their DOJ cousins. But take that panopticon and put it in the hands of an executive branch willing to weaponize its reams of information against its perceived political enemies, and we’ve got a frightening problem on our hands.” -Harmeet K. Dhillon
[The evident political nature of several recent actions by the DOJ, headed by Merrick Garland, is blatantly obvious to those who are willing to see it.]
[The evident political nature of several recent actions by the DOJ, headed by Merrick Garland, is blatantly obvious to those who are willing to see it.]
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Quote of the Day: 16 October 2022 #QotD
“Messengers of God who teach ‘inconvenient’ truths are often dismissed. Even the Savior Himself was … accused of disturbing public sentiment and being divisive.” -Jörg Klebingat
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Quote of the Day: 15 October 2022 #QotD
“I can find no authority for the idea that a firearm without a serial number would meet the historical definition of a dangerous or unusual firearm.” -Joseph R. Goodwin
[Prohibitions on keeping or bearing such arms must, therefore, be invalid. And indeed, the judge has so ruled.]
[Prohibitions on keeping or bearing such arms must, therefore, be invalid. And indeed, the judge has so ruled.]
Friday, October 14, 2022
Quote of the Day: 14 October 2022 #QotD
“It may indeed be distressing to someone to have you express your opinion that his lifestyle is disgusting and his art, music or writing is crude, shallow, or repugnant, but unless you are free to reach such conclusions, any praise you bestow is hollow and suspect.” -Thomas Sowell
[This is certainly true, but there are so many people who would rather compel you to voice the praise whether you believe it or not. There is no way to verify the veracity of the statements, but these people want you to say it anyway.]
[This is certainly true, but there are so many people who would rather compel you to voice the praise whether you believe it or not. There is no way to verify the veracity of the statements, but these people want you to say it anyway.]
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Quote of the Day: 13 October 2022 #QotD
“Some things don’t need the thought people give them.” -Hobbes, Calvin and Hobbes
[One wouldn't normally expect to get so many insights from a daily comic strip that ran for a decade nearly three decades ago. Yet, here we are.]
[One wouldn't normally expect to get so many insights from a daily comic strip that ran for a decade nearly three decades ago. Yet, here we are.]
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Quote of the Day: 12 October 2022 #QotD
“Trigger warnings infantilize human resilience by coddling young adults into thinking that they do not possess the psychological strength to face life.” -Gad Saad
[If I recall correctly, avoidance of 'triggering' stimuli paradoxically causes more severe anxiety, rather than alleviating it.]
[If I recall correctly, avoidance of 'triggering' stimuli paradoxically causes more severe anxiety, rather than alleviating it.]
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Quote of the Day: 11 October 2022 #QotD
“Wherever we can read human history, the answer is always the same. Where commerce has flourished there civilization has increased. It has not sufficed that men should tend their flocks, and maintain themselves in comfort on their industry alone, however great. It is only when the exchange of products begins that development follows. This was the case in ancient Babylon, whose records of trade and banking we are just beginning to read. Their merchandise went by canal and caravan to the ends of the earth. It was not the war galleys, but the merchant vessel of Phoenicia, of Tyre, and Carthage that brought them civilization and power. Today it is not the battle fleet, but the mercantile marine which in the end will determine the destiny of nations.” -Calvin Coolidge
[And we have a vast cadre of folks who seem hell-bent on destroying that foundation in order to bring about some glorious revolution (most assuredly Marxist in origin) that will herald a time of peace and prosperity for all (or gross human suffering on a scale we haven't seen except in totalitarian hell-holes.)]
[And we have a vast cadre of folks who seem hell-bent on destroying that foundation in order to bring about some glorious revolution (most assuredly Marxist in origin) that will herald a time of peace and prosperity for all (or gross human suffering on a scale we haven't seen except in totalitarian hell-holes.)]
Monday, October 10, 2022
Quote of the Day: 10 October 2022 #QotD
“I wish some people sought the Savior as fervently as they seek offense.” -@Ty_Atty
[I would probably settle for them doing the reverse, but this would be a far better course for them to take, since it would result in them coming to know what redemption is.]
[I would probably settle for them doing the reverse, but this would be a far better course for them to take, since it would result in them coming to know what redemption is.]
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Bonus Quote of the Day: 9 October 2022 #QotD
“He left to get married! That’s not retirin’, that’s the same as dyin’.” -Mustrum Ridcully
[Happy 12th Anniversary to a woman who has every good quality in the world, except taste.]
[Happy 12th Anniversary to a woman who has every good quality in the world, except taste.]
Quote of the Day: 9 October 2022 #QotD
“Extending forgiveness can take tremendous courage and humility. It can also take time. It requires us to put our faith and trust in the Lord as we assume accountability for the condition of our hearts.” -Amy A. Wright
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Quote of the Day: 8 October 2022 #QotD
“Whenever I’m in the middle of conformity, surrounded by oneness of mind with people oozing concurrence on every side, I get scared.” -P. J. O’Rourke
[It should certainly give you pause when you find yourself in such a situation. It doesn't to everyone. It feels good to be part of the majority. But it's a small step from there to being part of a mob.]
[It should certainly give you pause when you find yourself in such a situation. It doesn't to everyone. It feels good to be part of the majority. But it's a small step from there to being part of a mob.]
Friday, October 7, 2022
Quote of the Day: 7 October 2022 #QotD
“[A]s most of us can see, there is a difference between being antiracist and being antiracist in a hostile way[.]” -John McWhorter
[And most who are 'anti-racist' (or so claim) are simply racist against a different demographic than racism is typically assumed to be against.]
[And most who are 'anti-racist' (or so claim) are simply racist against a different demographic than racism is typically assumed to be against.]
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Quote of the Day: 6 October 2022 #QotD
“Abortion as ex post facto contraception is pure evil.” -Robb Allen
[This should be an uncontroversial opinion. It's not, but it should be.]
[This should be an uncontroversial opinion. It's not, but it should be.]
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Quote of the Day: 5 October 2022 #QotD
“Books, even in the early grades, ought to be sources of delight and information, not exercises to be mastered.” -Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise
[I certainly want my children to develop a positive view of books. There is a wealth of knowledge, and enjoyment that can be obtained through reading good books that I don't want them to miss out on.]
[I certainly want my children to develop a positive view of books. There is a wealth of knowledge, and enjoyment that can be obtained through reading good books that I don't want them to miss out on.]
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Quote of the Day: 4 October 2022 #QotD
“What is love but listening to and wanting to be a part of another person’s evolving story?” -Kate Murphy
[There are a few people that I love, if this is the measure of love.]
[There are a few people that I love, if this is the measure of love.]
Monday, October 3, 2022
Quote of the Day: 3 October 2022 #QotD
“Raising a child isn’t complicated, love. It isn’t easy, but it isn’t complicated, either.
“You just love them more than air and water and light. From there, everything else comes naturally.” -Bernard, Princeps’ Fury
[Just thought this one was apropos today.]
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Quote of the Day: 2 October 2022 #QotD
“Being a disciple of Jesus Christ involves more than just hoping or believing. It calls for effort, movement, and commitment. It requires that we do something, being ‘doers of the word, and not hearers only.’” -Rebecca L. Craven