“As followers of Jesus Christ, we seek to minister to others as He would because lives are waiting to change.” -Gerrit W. Gong
Sunday, April 30, 2023
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Quote of the Day: 29 April 2023 #QotD
“One can never have enough socks.” -Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
[New socks are one of life's greatest, undiscussed pleasures.]
Friday, April 28, 2023
Quote of the Day: 28 April 2023 #QotD
“Never be ashamed of joy.” -Ealstan, The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England
[If you have found joy, enjoy it and forget the detractors.]
[If you have found joy, enjoy it and forget the detractors.]
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Quote of the Day: 27 April 2023 #QotD
“Neither men nor women are uniform in their skills and they will vary individually in even the most unbiased occupation.” -Thomas Sowell
[But we have to have 'representative' employment (but only in prestigious occupations) or else we're oppressive and bigotted.]
[But we have to have 'representative' employment (but only in prestigious occupations) or else we're oppressive and bigotted.]
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Quote of the Day: 26 April 2023 #QotD
“Absolute power in the hands of anyone should terrify you. The Second Amendment is there to make sure the foundation of that power always remains in the hands of the people.” -Larry Correia
[You may not like guns, but that doesn't mean that limiting their availability to agents of the state is a good idea.]
[You may not like guns, but that doesn't mean that limiting their availability to agents of the state is a good idea.]
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Quote of the Day: 25 April 2023 #QotD
“We do not need a censorship of the press. We have a censorship by the press.” -G. K. Chesterton
[The more things change ...
[The more things change ...
I can't imagine what Mr. Chesterton would think of today's media environment.]
Monday, April 24, 2023
Quote of the Day: 24 April 2023 #QotD
“Lad, it’s one thing to be poor in pocket—nothing wrong with that. But poor in heart—that’s no good.” -Oskar N. Reteep, On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness
[There is no shame in being poor. Or at least there shouldn't be. But failing to have compassion or charity? That is a shame.]
[There is no shame in being poor. Or at least there shouldn't be. But failing to have compassion or charity? That is a shame.]
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Quote of the Day: 23 April 2023 #QotD
“[K]eeping the Lord’s commandments requires more than obedience. We are to love God with all our heart, might, mind, and soul.” -Henry B. Eyring
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Quote of the Day: 22 April 2023 #QotD
“[T]reating environmental ills with nothing but politics is quackery.” -P. J. O’Rourke
[Happy Earth Day? I guess. Have a good one.]
[Happy Earth Day? I guess. Have a good one.]
Friday, April 21, 2023
Quote of the Day: 21 April 2023 #QotD
“Do not seek perfection. None exists. All we can do is strive.” -Havelock Vetinari, Snuff
[But the striving is the important part.
[But the striving is the important part.
And I would contend that the perfection is only absent from our lives here on earth. There is a perfection that exists in the heavens, but Terry Pratchett didn't believe in them.]
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Quote of the Day: 20 April 2023 #QotD
“Any man who uses the words ‘politics’ and ‘trust’ in the same sentence has disqualified himself from talking about either.” -Duke Andreas Jillard, Tyrant’s Throne
[Presumably, this means in a positive sense for both. But I think there are plenty of politicians you can trust to do exactly what you don't want them to.]
[Presumably, this means in a positive sense for both. But I think there are plenty of politicians you can trust to do exactly what you don't want them to.]
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Quote of the Day: 19 April 2023 #QotD
“Honour, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us.” -Thomas Jefferson
[It is the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord. A good time to remember how our nation came into being.]
[It is the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord. A good time to remember how our nation came into being.]
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Quote of the Day: 18 April 2023 #QotD
“I suppose one must be serious sometimes.” -James Vane, The Picture of Dorian Gray
[The IRS is nothing to be trifled with. Don't forget to get your taxes filed. Otherwise, you may be facing armed revenuers. And they don't mess around.]
[The IRS is nothing to be trifled with. Don't forget to get your taxes filed. Otherwise, you may be facing armed revenuers. And they don't mess around.]
Monday, April 17, 2023
Quote of the Day: 17 April 2023 #QotD
“[Y]our kids will learn that actions have consequences at some point in their lives. Our goal is to teach them about real consequences safely and effectively when the stakes are still low.” -Amy McCready
[A good reminder for all parents, and people who car about the rising generation.]
[A good reminder for all parents, and people who car about the rising generation.]
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Quote of the Day: 16 April 2023 #QotD
“[T]here are remarkable blessings in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. The scriptures speak of joy and peace, forgiveness of sins, protection from temptations, and sustaining power from God.” -Quentin L. Cook
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Quote of the Day: 15 April 2023 #QotD
“[T]he fact is that the human mind isn’t a terribly logical or consistent place.” -Harry Dresden, Turn Coat
[But we try to make sense of it anyway. Hoping that we'll be able to understand ourselves.]
[But we try to make sense of it anyway. Hoping that we'll be able to understand ourselves.]
Friday, April 14, 2023
Quote of the Day: 14 April 2023 #QotD
“If bravery is the wind that makes us soar like kites, fear is the string that keeps us from going too far.” -Hoid, Tress of the Emerald Sea
[Isn't it always the way of things that we need a moderation of things in order to achieve the best of what we can do?]
[Isn't it always the way of things that we need a moderation of things in order to achieve the best of what we can do?]
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Quote of the Day: 13 April 2023 #QotD
“Building a society where the primary objective is to protect one’s fragile self-esteem from the dangers of competition will only lead to a society of weakness, entitlement, and apathy.” -Gad Saad
[We need to experience adversity in life. There are amounts that are too much, of course, but that is hardly the danger most people find themselves in these days.]
[We need to experience adversity in life. There are amounts that are too much, of course, but that is hardly the danger most people find themselves in these days.]
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Quote of the Day: 12 April 2023 #QotD
“Demagoguery flourishes where something can be said in a few catchy words that would take volumes to disprove.” -Thomas Sowell
[Something, something, twitter, something, facebook, something, tiktok ... ]
[Something, something, twitter, something, facebook, something, tiktok ... ]
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Quote of the Day: 11 April 2023 #QotD
“Gun control protects the bad guys.” -Larry Correia
[Since they are willing to violate the law anyway, what gun control law would they be willing to abide by?]
[Since they are willing to violate the law anyway, what gun control law would they be willing to abide by?]
Monday, April 10, 2023
Quote of the Day: 10 April 2023 #QotD
“Even if hope is just a low ember at night, in the morning you can still start a fire.” -Nia Igiby Wingfeather, On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness
[Just in case you need a bit of encouragement today. I sure do.]
[Just in case you need a bit of encouragement today. I sure do.]
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Quote of the Day: 9 April 2023 #QotD
“No three words embody more hope and eternal consequence for all of humankind than those uttered by a heavenly angel on Easter morning at the Garden Tomb: ‘He is risen.’” -Gary E. Stevenson
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Quote of the Day: 8 April 2023 #QotD
“Scars can come in handy.” -Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
[After several days of heady quotes, it was time for something a bit lighter.
[After several days of heady quotes, it was time for something a bit lighter.
But scars can come in handy. Mine helped me when first getting to know my now wife. I'm grateful for them.]
Friday, April 7, 2023
Quote of the Day: 7 April 2023 #QotD
“[I]t’s my opinion you were so worried about legal and illegal that you never stopped to think about whether it was right or wrong.” -Col. Charles Makepeace, Snuff
[A third day of quotes apropos of nothing? What am I thinking? I'd better gather my thoughts a bit more.]
[A third day of quotes apropos of nothing? What am I thinking? I'd better gather my thoughts a bit more.]
Thursday, April 6, 2023
Quote of the Day: 6 April 2023 #QotD
“[N]o man is all one thing; none of us are pure in our beliefs or our devotions. We are all bound by the frailties of our humanity, some of which feed our hatred, some of which, very occasionally, make us want to be something better.” -Falcio val Mond, Saint’s Blood
[Again, apropos of nothing. I'm sure.]
[Again, apropos of nothing. I'm sure.]
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Quote of the Day: 5 April 2023 #QotD
“Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope.” -Nick Carraway, The Great Gatsby
[Apropos of nothing. Of course.]
[Apropos of nothing. Of course.]
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Quote of the Day: 4 April 2023 #QotD
“Scepticism is the beginning of faith.” -Lord Henry Wotton, The Picture of Dorian Gray
[Whether affirmative or negative faith, skepticism is the first step on the path to understanding.]
[Whether affirmative or negative faith, skepticism is the first step on the path to understanding.]
Monday, April 3, 2023
Quote of the Day: 3 April 2023 #QotD
“When [kids] don’t feel as though they are inherently more special or important than the rest of the human race, they will be able to enjoy their world more.” -Amy McCready
[I'm trying—Really trying—to convince The pup he's not more special than everyone else around him. I hope I am able to impart this lesson before he becomes an odious brat. So, far I have not been successful.]
[I'm trying—Really trying—to convince The pup he's not more special than everyone else around him. I hope I am able to impart this lesson before he becomes an odious brat. So, far I have not been successful.]
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Quote of the Day: 2 April 2023 #QotD
“The promise at Easter and always is that, in and through Jesus Christ, we can become our best story and our families can become happy and forever.” -Gerrit W. Gong
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Quote of the Day: 1 April 2023 #QotD
“Some of the cruelest tyrants in history were motivated by noble ideals, or made choices that they would call ‘hard but necessary steps’ for the good of their nation.” -Anastasia Luccio, Turn Coat
[Not an April Fool selection. Just an important reminder.]
[Not an April Fool selection. Just an important reminder.]