Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Quote of the Day: 31 August 2022 #QotD

“We should never compromise the fabric of our modern societies in order to engage in a pious exercise of civilizational self-flagellation.” -Gad Saad
“We should never compromise the fabric of our modern societies in order to engage in a pious exercise of civilizational self-flagellation.” -Gad Saad
[The problem is that there are too many people who see an opportunity for personal gain in doing so. They sacrifice the societal good for their own benefit.]

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Quote of the Day: 30 August 2022 #QotD

“Thing is, all work isn’t equal. Neither is speed or capacity… or quality. Nor is benefit entirely measurable in dollars[.]” -Dave Freer
“Thing is, all work isn’t equal. Neither is speed or capacity… or quality. Nor is benefit entirely measurable in dollars[.]” -Dave Freer
[Something to keep in mind as we contemplate the utter idiocy of issuing loans to teenagers based on nothing more than their admittance to a college. No thought given to whether their degree will be worth anything, or what role the government should, or shouldn't, have in all this.]

Monday, August 29, 2022

Quote of the Day: 29 August 2022 #QotD

“Call me Calvin.” “Actually, make that ‘Calvin, Boy Genius, Hope of Mankind.’” -Calvin, _Calvin and Hobbes_

“Call me Calvin.”

“Actually, make that ‘Calvin, Boy Genius, Hope of Mankind.’” -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes

[Yeah, that sounds like The Pup. Completely full of self-confidence.]

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Quote of the Day: 28 August 2022 #QotD

“The adversary never sleeps. There will always be opposition to the truth. I repeat my urging … to do those things that will increase your positive spiritual momentum … that will keep you moving forward through whatever challenges and opportunities come.” -Russell M. Nelson
“The adversary never sleeps. There will always be opposition to the truth. I repeat my urging … to do those things that will increase your positive spiritual momentum … that will keep you moving forward through whatever challenges and opportunities come.” -Russell M. Nelson

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Quote of the Day: 27 August 2022 #QotD

“I supposed it was the difference between wishing to be better and wishing to be best. They are not remotely the same thing.” -Al MacBharrais (thought), _Paper & Blood_
“I supposed it was the difference between wishing to be better and wishing to be best. They are not remotely the same thing.” -Al MacBharrais (thought), Paper & Blood
[Seeking to improve yourself versus seeking to be better than everyone else at any cost. I know which one will lead you to be a better person.]

Friday, August 26, 2022

Quote of the Day: 26 August 2022 #QotD

“We have become inured to government figures with vapor trails of zeros behind them.” -P. J. O’Rourke
“We have become inured to government figures with vapor trails of zeros behind them.” -P. J. O’Rourke
[Well, at least some of us have. Others are still choking on the size of the student loan debt 'forgiveness' bill.]

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Quote of the Day: 25 August 2022 #QotD

“There is no student loan ‘forgiveness’. It is working stiffs who didn't get to go to college being forced to foot the bill for someone else's good times[.]” -Larry Correia
“There is no student loan ‘forgiveness’. It is working stiffs who didn't get to go to college being forced to foot the bill for someone else's good times[.]” -Larry Correia
[There's plenty more at the source that is worth reading. But at its heart, this is what it comes down to. A massive transfer of wealth from working folks in trades, and those who have taken responsibility and either paid off their loans or didn't incur them through hard work.]

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Quote of the Day: 24 August 2022 #QotD

“If the designation of someone or something as racist seems incoherent, chances are it is just that: not ‘complex.’” -John McWhorter
“If the designation of someone or something as racist seems incoherent, chances are it is just that: not ‘complex.’” -John McWhorter
[Just further erosion of the meaning of 'racism'. And of the fear that we have of being labeled as such.]

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Quote of the Day: 23 August 2022 #QotD

“You shouldn’t be afraid to take your child out of school, if necessary.” -Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise
“You shouldn’t be afraid to take your child out of school, if necessary.” -Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise
[Or don't send them in the first place. But, to each his own.]

Monday, August 22, 2022

Quote of the Day: 22 August 2022 #QotD

“All crowding has an intensifying effect. If aggression exists, it will become more so as a result of crowding; if joy exists, it will become intensified by the crowd.” -Ben Shalit
“All crowding has an intensifying effect. If aggression exists, it will become more so as a result of crowding; if joy exists, it will become intensified by the crowd.” -Ben Shalit (as quoted in On Killing)
[So, if you find yourself in a crowd, perhaps you should be giving your actions some additional thought.]

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Quote of the Day: 21 August 2022 #QotD

“Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is not just one of many things we do. The Savior is the motivating power behind _all_ that we do.” -Dieter F. Uchtdorf
“Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is not just one of many things we do. The Savior is the motivating power behind all that we do.” -Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Quote of the Day: 20 August 2022 #QotD

“When skin color is more important to you than ability, that's 100% racism, regardless of the hue of the skin you prefer.” -Robb Allen
“When skin color is more important to you than ability, that's 100% racism, regardless of the hue of the skin you prefer.” -Robb Allen
[Too bad so many have accepted the revised definition of racism that includes power.]

Friday, August 19, 2022

Quote of the Day: 19 August 2022 #QotD

“The bringer of bad news is never popular, especially when it’s on an empty plate.” -Terry Pratchett
“The bringer of bad news is never popular, especially when it’s on an empty plate.” -Terry Pratchett
[It's hard to tell people things that they don't want to hear. Especially when it is delivered with no relief or solace.]

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Quote of the Day: 18 August 2022 #QotD

“[T]o say that an influence exists is not to say that it explains the particular pattern that we see.” -Thomas Sowell
“[T]o say that an influence exists is not to say that it explains the particular pattern that we see.” -Thomas Sowell
[It may have an effect. It may even have a large effect. That doesn't mean there aren't other things that significantly contribute to the pattern that exists.]

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Quote of the Day: 17 August 2022 #QotD

“The quest for truth should always supersede one’s ego-defensive desire to be proven right.” -Gad Saad
“The quest for truth should always supersede one’s ego-defensive desire to be proven right.” -Gad Saad
[I don't think it's humanly possible, though. We are all subject to human frailties to too much of a degree to be able to do this entirely. But, that's no reason not to strive for it.]

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Quote of the Day: 16 August 2022 #QotD

“Knowledge is your weapon. Kill them with it.” -Kitai, _Princeps’ Fury_
“Knowledge is your weapon. Kill them with it.” -Kitai, Princeps’ Fury
[True danger comes from the mind of a nefarious individual. And you have to be able to counter them if you want to be prepared.]

Monday, August 15, 2022

Quote of the Day: 15 August 2022 #QotD

“A landscape may appear beautiful and serene, but look closely: a fierce battle is going on. Each plant is trying to overcome or outwit its neighbor, struggling to control light, moisture, and space. The scene seems peaceful only because the action is in slow motion and you are seeing the winners of the moment.” -Steve Solomon
“A landscape may appear beautiful and serene, but look closely: a fierce battle is going on. Each plant is trying to overcome or outwit its neighbor, struggling to control light, moisture, and space. The scene seems peaceful only because the action is in slow motion and you are seeing the winners of the moment.” -Steve Solomon
[How would one apply 'nature: red in tooth and claw' to the plant world?]

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Quote of the Day: 14 August 2022 #QotD

“May the remembrance of what our eyes have seen and our hearts have felt increase our amazement at the Savior’s atoning sacrifice, which can heal us of our spiritual and emotional wounds and help us to draw closer to Him.” -Ulisses Soares
“May the remembrance of what our eyes have seen and our hearts have felt increase our amazement at the Savior’s atoning sacrifice, which can heal us of our spiritual and emotional wounds and help us to draw closer to Him.” -Ulisses Soares

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Quote of the Day: 13 August 2022 #QotD

“The best we can do sometimes, in absence of actual wisdom, is to simply cease being foolish.” - Al MacBharrais (thought), _Paper & Blood_
“The best we can do sometimes, in absence of actual wisdom, is to simply cease being foolish.” - Al MacBharrais (thought), Paper & Blood

[A big ask from a lot of people. One I hope I can live up to, but worry I might not always.]

Friday, August 12, 2022

Quote of the Day: 12 August 2022 #QotD

“The mystery of government is not how Washington works but how to make it stop.” -P. J. O’Rourke
“The mystery of government is not how Washington works but how to make it stop.” -P. J. O’Rourke
[I am reminded of the dictum that "that government is best which governs least." But in order to rein in the federal government, States and the people will have to insist on the tenth amendment meaning what it says. (As well as the ninth, but that one is so often overlooked that it's mere mention is significant.)] 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Quote of the Day: 11 August 2022 #QotD

“[A] man who can admit he was wrong gracefully, is a gentleman.” -Dave Freer
“[A] man who can admit he was wrong gracefully, is a gentleman.” -Dave Freer
[The general lack of people able to admit this about themselves means that there will me fewer in the future. Both due to a lack of role models, and a realization that 'the other guy' isn't about to admit his faults, so why should you?]

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Quote of the Day: 10 August 2022 #QotD

“The idea that what Americans need to do is simply ‘get rid of racism’ is a ten-year-old’s version of political progress.” -John McWhorter
“The idea that what Americans need to do is simply ‘get rid of racism’ is a ten-year-old’s version of political progress.” -John McWhorter
[But this is as far as many people's thinking goes. It's a sad state of affairs.]

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Quote of the Day: 9 August 2022 #QotD

“Children need friends. Children do _not_ need to be surrounded by large groups of peers who inevitably follow the strongest personality in the crowd.” -Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise
“Children need friends. Children do not need to be surrounded by large groups of peers who inevitably follow the strongest personality in the crowd.” -Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise
[Children do not come to us knowing how to think for themselves. And they will need to be taught. Or you can leave things to develop for themselves, and you can see where that takes them. Probably places you'd rather they not go.]

Monday, August 8, 2022

Quote of the Day: 8 August 2022 #QotD

“Brain-destroying internet addiction is not just a problem for juveniles.” -Noam Blum
“Brain-destroying internet addiction is not just a problem for juveniles.” -Noam Blum
[And now I ask myself, "is this a problem that I am afflicted with?" Seems a pertinent question.]

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Quote of the Day: 7 August 2022 #QotD

“Our Heavenly Father’s plan allows for ‘opposition in all things,’ and Satan’s most strenuous opposition is directed at whatever is most important to that plan. Consequently, he seeks to oppose progress toward exaltation by distorting marriage, discouraging childbearing, or confusing gender.” -Dallin H. Oaks
“Our Heavenly Father’s plan allows for ‘opposition in all things,’ and Satan’s most strenuous opposition is directed at whatever is most important to that plan. Consequently, he seeks to oppose progress toward exaltation by distorting marriage, discouraging childbearing, or confusing gender.” -Dallin H. Oaks

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Quote of the Day: 6 August 2022 #QotD

“[I]f you ignore the needs and impulses of the flesh and blood, you’ll either lose your mind or your body.” -Sarah Hoyt
“[I]f you ignore the needs and impulses of the flesh and blood, you’ll either lose your mind or your body.” -Sarah Hoyt
[Could be both, actually. And attending to the need of the flesh is no guarantee of preserving your mind and body, but it's a greater chance of success than disregarding them.]

Friday, August 5, 2022

Quote of the Day: 5 August 2022 #QotD

“The size of the brain is no measure of its capacity.” -Jonathan Frisbee (attributed), _Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH_
“The size of the brain is no measure of its capacity.” -Jonathan Frisbee (attributed), Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
[Which is to say, I've seen some spectacularly empty headed individuals who really ought to have had more intelligence.]

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Quote of the Day: 4 August 2022 #QotD

“The answer is that, terrible or not, it is still the truth.” -Mr. Nutt, _Unseen Academicals_
“The answer is that, terrible or not, it is still the truth.” -Mr. Nutt, Unseen Academicals
[There are truths that we see as terrible. Things we might like to be different about the world. But we have no power to change much of reality. There is only so much that is within our control.]

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Quote of the Day: 3 August 2022 #QotD

“Unless we win the battle of ideas, the enemies of reason, along with the mind viruses that they promulgate, will lead our free societies to lunatic self-destruction.” -Gad Saad
“Unless we win the battle of ideas, the enemies of reason, along with the mind viruses that they promulgate, will lead our free societies to lunatic self-destruction.” -Gad Saad
[The only way we have a chance of winning that battle, is to engage in them. So, pick up your tools of reason, and go forth to battle.]

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Quote of the Day: 2 August 2022 #QotD

“You can't have liberty unless you respect the liberty of others.” -@ACitizen999
“You can't have liberty unless you respect the liberty of others.” -@ACitizen999
[This is not true categorically. At least over the short term. But over the long term, this is where a lack of respect for the liberty of everyone leads you.]

Monday, August 1, 2022

Quote of the Day: 1 August 2022 #QotD

“Nobody gets paid what they think they’re worth.” -Gregg Olsen
“Nobody gets paid what they think they’re worth.” -Gregg Olsen
[From a book I didn't like very much. But there is value somewhere in just about everything I read.

There are certainly plenty of people who overvalue themselves as compared to what the market provides. I may even be one of them.]