Thursday, July 4, 2024

Quote of the Day: 4 July 2024 #QotD

“In our own native land, in defence of the freedom that is our birthright, and which we ever enjoyed till the late violation of it – for the protection of our property, acquired solely by the honest industry of our fore-fathers and ourselves, against violence actually offered, we have taken up arms. We shall lay them down when hostilities shall cease on the part of the aggressors, and all danger of their being renewed shall be removed, and not before.” -The Second Continental Congress
“In our own native land, in defence of the freedom that is our birthright, and which we ever enjoyed till the late violation of it – for the protection of our property, acquired solely by the honest industry of our fore-fathers and ourselves, against violence actually offered, we have taken up arms. We shall lay them down when hostilities shall cease on the part of the aggressors, and all danger of their being renewed shall be removed, and not before.” -The Second Continental Congress
[Happy Independence Day!

Keep on revolting.]

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Quote of the Day: 3 July 2024 #QotD

“[I]nfants who are sung to by their parents will have a much stronger emotional bond to them.” -Sharlene Habermeyer
“[I]nfants who are sung to by their parents will have a much stronger emotional bond to them.” -Sharlene Habermeyer
[I don't have any infants in my home any more, but it is something that I believe in with regards to music and children. Or anyone really. You will build bonds through song.]

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Quote of the Day: 2 July 2024 #QotD

“I don’t think I’d have been in such a hurry to reach adulthood if I’d known the whole thing was going to be ad-libbed.” -Dad, _Calvin and Hobbes_
“I don’t think I’d have been in such a hurry to reach adulthood if I’d known the whole thing was going to be ad-libbed.” -Dad, Calvin and Hobbes
[Not that I really had much of a choice in the matter. I've continued to grow older at the same rate regardless of whether that was what I wanted or not.]

Monday, July 1, 2024

Quote of the Day: 1 July 2024 #QotD

“Obsession is just a variety of addiction.” -Ian Malcolm, _The Lost World_
“Obsession is just a variety of addiction.” -Ian Malcolm, The Lost World
[Something I'll have to give more consideration to before I decide if I concur or not. But it is at least thought provoking.]