Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Quote of the Day: 1 December 2021 #QotD

“Prices perform three functions in organizing economic activity: first, they transmit information; second, they provide an incentive to adopt those methods of production that are least costly and thereby use available resources for the most highly valued purposes; third, they determine who gets how much of the product[.]” -Milton Friedman
“Prices perform three functions in organizing economic activity: first, they transmit information; second, they provide an incentive to adopt those methods of production that are least costly and thereby use available resources for the most highly valued purposes; third, they determine who gets how much of the product[.]” -Milton Friedman
[There seems to be q lot of confusion around prices by people who want the world to conform to their idealized views of things rather than conforming their thinking to observations about reality. I thought I'd share Mr. Friedman's words on prices to help inform them of their ignorance.]

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