Monday, September 2, 2019

Maine Trip Days 1 and 2

On Tuesday, 20 August, The pup and I got dropped off at PDX Airport. I went in and checked our bags leaving the carry on, car seat, and The pup in the car with my wife. Once I got that taken care of, and my wife had driven around and back to the departures drop off point, I grabbed the carry on bags (one each for The pup and myself) the car seat and The pup and headed into the airport. We made it through the TSA checkpoint with no issues. It is nice to be waved to the metal detector rather than the Perv-o-matic scanner. After putting my shoes back on, we went to find our gate.
The pup loves moving sidewalks. We had some time. I must have gone on a circuit around one set of walkways more than ten times. He would immediately run around to go the other way after completing one pass on the walkway. I did finally convince him to stop when I offered to read books to him. We grabbed a couple of egg McMuffins from the nearby McDonalds. Then it was time to board.
The pup did well on the first flight. He didn't kick the back of the seat in front of him much, and was fairly quiet. As we were taxiing to the gate after landing The pup saw a plane with red and white stripes on its tail. He started calling it a flag plane, and insisted that we would fly on it after our lay over. He was getting tired at this point, so he didn't do quite as well on the next flight (Sacramento to Salt Lake.)
When we landed in Salt Lake I was beyond ready to be done traveling. My patience was fairly well exhausted, and my body was tired from carrying two heavy carry on bags, a toddler, and a car seat. I was so tired, I forgot to put my phone out of airplane mode. So, I didn't get the message that I needed to go the the arrivals pickup point to meet my father.
I was grateful to get in the pickup though. Loaded the bags in the back, got the car seat installed and The pup secured, and then collapsed into the front seat. We had a good night with The pup enjoying the company of his grandparents. A good dinner made in my mom's pressure cooker. And then my second youngest brother and his fiancee came over. The pup loves them. Especially my future sister in law. I don't have a rational reason for his enthusiasm for her, but he likes her so much she was the only one to get a hug unprompted from him.
The next day I received several updates as my wife finished preparing her entries for the baking competitions associated with the Oregon State Fair. She was entering several categories, and had to drop them off in Salem before boarding her own flights to Salt Lake. My oldest brother treated The pup and myself, my mom, and my next oldest brother and his family to dinner at Tepanyaki (a Japanese Hibachi Grill chain in Utah.) I made a mistake when ordering and accidentally ordered one meal for both me and The pup instead of a full order and a child's order of the same meal. We worked things out, but it took some finagling.
After dinner we went to see my brother's new home. It's a brand new starter home, and at the time the landscaping had not been installed yet. It's a good home to start with, but I would not like living there. The pup enjoyed his time with cousins, but there were a few instances of sharing the needed to happen that didn't.
My day ended sometime later, after midnight when I picked my wife up at the airport.

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