Wednesday, July 29, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 211

Another hot day, and my walk today was about two miles.
Today's image:
Fuji X-T3 with XF 18-55 @ 55mm, f/4.0, 1/750 s, and ISO 160
 This is some kind of succulent flower. I see them frequently. They're a bright little pop of color.
Fuji -T3 with XF 18-55 @ 53mm, f/4.0, 1/900 s, and ISO 160
This picture was quite back lit, but I did that on purpose to see what I could do with it in software later. I don't think this result is what I wanted, but as I practice, I will be able to get the results I want with the combination of in camera work, and post processing.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 18-55 @ 55mm, f/4.0, 1/2700 s, and ISO 160
 This is just something I liked the look of.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 18-55 @ 53mm, f/4.0, 1/4400 s, and ISO 160
The same with this picture. My metering let me down here though. The light yellow dahlia and the white daisies behind it caused the camera to think it was a lot brighter than it actually was, and being in a mode with automatic shutter speed the exposure was underexposed. I had to push it almost a full stop of exposure compensation in post processing.

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