Friday, November 9, 2018

Fiction Friday: Family

That was the name. Or all of the name that Xavier had. There were indications the man had a middle and surname as well, but not even a letter of them remained. He reached his hand forward to the marked stone. It was weather worn to the point the the name had been obliterated. But the location was right.
It had been years. This was supposed to be the next step. But it was a dead end. Xavier had traced the family back to this point but could go no further. At least this way. He bowed his head forward, eyes closed. A tear tracked down his cheek from his left eye. "Here lies Lars Johnson, son of J" and then there was nothing legible. How could he go forward from here? He had run out of leads.
"I'm sorry great-great grandpa Lars. I can't find your dad."
Xavier stood. He used the headstone to help raise himself up.  But his hand slipped, and he fell forward behind the stone. He rolled to his side, and pushed himself up to a seated position. Then to a one legged kneel. He was next to a different headstone now. Xavier used this one to steady himself as he had before. Then he looked down and read the name. John. It couldn't be. Could it? Dates. Born 1891, died 1937. They fit. Or at least they were possible.
Xavier looked up. Fluffy clouds in a lovely blue sky. He smiled. John Isaacson. He could keep looking.

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