Tuesday, January 28, 2020

#APicADay 2020: Day 28

Decent light this afternoon. Today, I went into my backyard rather than for a walk in the neighborhood.
Today's image:
Fuji X-T3 with XF 18-55 @ 33mm, f/5.0, 1/12 s, and ISO 400
 My house sits on a hill, and the backyard runs off pretty steeply. As a consequence, down where the ferns are, the trees block a lot of light, and the hill rising on the other side of the valley blocks even more. At f/5.0 and ISO 160 I was getting a shutter speed of over a second. That's not a shot I can make handheld. So, I bumped up the ISO by a stop and a half or so. I had already opened the aperture, and I didn't want to go further, and didn't have much further I could open it anyway.
Fuji X-T3 with XF 18-55 @ 55mm, f/4.0, 1/38 s, and ISO 160
The difference in quantity of light can be observed here. I was able to put the ISO back down to 160, and I only opened the aperture a third of a stop and I'm still getting a much faster shutter speed.

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